
Object obtained from user_impl() method.


  • annotation
  • canUseInsight
  • domainId
  • id
  • internalUserName
  • loggedIn
  • loginTime
  • name
  • prefs
  • role


  • canDelete() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • canEdit() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • class() - UserProfileLite object

  • equals('a') - boolean string such as 'False'

  • getAnnotation() - string value of user annotation

  • getCanUseInsight() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • getClass() - type of object

  • getDomainId() - domain ID

  • getId() - UUID user ID

  • getInternalUserName() - string user name

  • getLoginTime() - in parse_date() format ('2007/1/15 13:21:00 MST')

  • getName() - string username

  • getPassword() - list containing password

  • getPrefs() - string listing user preferences

  • getRole() - string such as 'ADMIN'

  • hashCode() - hash code value of profile object

  • isLoggedIn() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • setAnnotation()('new annotation') - set annotation value

  • setCanDelete(True) - set whether user can or can not delete

  • setCanEdit(True) - set whether user can or can not edit

  • setCanUseInsight(True) - set whether user can or can not use Insight

  • setLoggedIn(True) - set whether or not user is logged in

  • setName('admin') - set user name

  • setPassword('password') - set user password

  • setPrefs('preferences') - set user preferences

  • toString() - string representation of user

For more information, see parse_date().