Release Notes 6.4.5

This topic provides information about the new features and enhancements, bug fixes, and database changes that have been implemented in Automation Analytics & Intelligence 6.4.5 and higher:


  • Support for On-Hold job status for AutoSys v2.

    If a workflow or a job within AutoSys is suspended (put on hold), the job shows up in the Gantt chart with an on hold icon. Any jobs downstream of the job that is on hold are not predicted to run. Any jobstream that contains this workflow/job is presented with a status of Not Predicted To Finish (NPTF). The root cause of the Not Predicted To Finish (NPTF) status is that a job is on hold, referencing the specific job.

  • Upgraded Jasper Server

    The Jaspersoft Server (by TIBCO software) has been upgraded. For details, see Reporting Server 2.0.0.

  • Enhancements to the Insight Reports

    Several Insight Reports have been modified to accommodate additional filter criteria. For details, see Reporting Server 2.0.0.

  • Mainframe Data Provider v2 (includes CA7 and IWSz)

    The second version of the Mainframe Data provided has been released. For details, see Mainframe Data Provider 2.0.0.

  • Kerberos support for Oracle database connections

    As of this version you can connect to AutoSys instances (Oracle only) using a Kerberos connection to the database using cached credentials as well as keytab files. You can configure the kerberized Oracle database connection for AutoSys using either the Web UI, the AAI CLI or the REST API. For more information, see:

    Additionally, you can also configure the connection between the AAI server to an AAI Oracle database using Kerberos with cached credentials in addition to the previously supported keytab files. You can do so using either Configuration Tool UI or the Configuration Tool CLI. For more information, see:

  • Support new Job Types introduced in AutoSys R12.1

    Added support for the following AutoSys job types: Kubernetes (K8S_JOB, K8S_CMD, K8S_SCALE_DEP) and OPENSHIFT_SCALE_DEP_CFG.

  • Command line based SMTP configuration

    Enhanced the SMTP and SNMP configuration commands to allow a mechanism to take in passwords so the entire configuration process can be implemented without user input. For information, see SMTP Configuration Commands and SNMP Configuration Commands.

  • Revised default definition of On Time for jobstreams

    Changed the default behavior of the content in the Status column in the Monitoring tab of the thick client (and Web UI) to always show the status based on the strict SLA definition rather than +/- 5%. This behavior can be modified to the original +/- 5% by setting the client.useStrictSlaLateDefinition parameter to false in the Params tab of the Configuration Tool. For more information, see Configuration Tool - Params Tab.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in an exception in the JobStreamRunUpdaterImpl process caused by a duplicate key row in object 'dbo.JobStreamRun_JobRun' with unique index 'XAK1JobStreamRun_JobRun'.

    Associated Ticket: DE533335

  • Removed the Historical Data Initial Load Period field from the Add/Update Automic scheduler Web UI panel(s).

  • Changed text from JAWS to AAI in alerts delivered via SMTP.

  • Upgraded four Fop components from 2.7 to 2.8 and the Batik XML utility library from 1.14 to 1.16 to resolve security vulnerabilities:

    High vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2022-42890

    • CVE-2022-40146

    • CVE-2022-41704

    Medium vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2022-38398

    • CVE-2022-38648

  • Fixed an issue with the Web UI that prevented the proper hierarchical display for business areas.

  • Fixed an issue with parent links on the All Jobs page of the Web UI so they point to correct job.

  • Prevented a NullPointerException exception in the AAI Jammer when unexpected information (run_num is null) came in with events from AutoSys.

    Associated Ticket: DE554280


  • Fixed a TransientObjectException that resulted in an AutoSys Jammer failure while committing new and updated job runs.

    Associated Ticket: DE534766

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some AutoSys jobstream runs having the wrong Late Time date due to a regression introduced by the "Force started jobs create a new jobstream run" functionality for AutoSys V2. The result was the actual start time of the jobstream run was not being correctly identified based on the configured Start Jobs and the jobstream ended up including more job runs than it was supposed to.

    Associated Ticket: DE549488

  • Fixed an AAI Converter failure while processing the AutoSys HTTP job type.

    Associated Ticket: DE550438

  • Fixed an issue that prevented some AutoSys job properties from properly displaying in the Job Detail dialog of the thick client.


  • Fixed a TransientObjectException that resulted in a CA7 Jammer failure while committing new and updated job runs.

    Associated Ticket: DE548515

  • Removed the job dependency predecessor condition within AAI for CA7 jobs that create a GDG (generational data group) dataset and also have a predecessor dependency on that same dataset to prevent circular dependencies.

    Associated Ticket: DE550205


Fixed an issue that prevented IWSz schedulers from successfully being taken offline through the Web UI.


  • Fixed a LazyInitializationException that resulted in a Tidal Jammer failure while committing new and updated job runs.

    Associated Ticket: DE553410

  • Fixed a StaleStateException that occurred during the Tidal incremental Converter processing.

    Associated Ticket: DE547551

  • Resolved an issue in Tidal run event processing that resulted in an IllegalArgumentException: Existing JobRunId cannot be null error.

    Associated Ticket: DE554745

  • Implemented some improvements in queries to the Tidal database to shorten the time it takes to build Tidal jobstream runs in AAI.

    Associated Ticket: DE555097

Database Schema Upgrade Summary from 6.4.4

Modified Tables


Table Name Change Type Column(s) Affected
JobPropertyType Deleted Rows jobPropertyTypeId & JobPropertyType

Deleted Rows where JobPropertyType value equals:
















Reporting Server 2.0.0

  • Upgraded Jaspersoft Server

    The Jaspersoft Server (by TIBCO software) which is bundled with AAI was upgraded from version 6.4.2 to version 8.1.0. As part of this upgrade, the embedded Tomcat version has been upgraded from 8.5.20 to 9.0.50. This resolves security vulnerability CVE-2020-1935.

  • Enhancements to Insight Reports

    Several of the Insight Reports have been modified to accommodate additional filter criteria. This includes specifying scheduler, parent (to disambiguate jobs with the same name), time zone, and more. In addition, reports that display timestamps now allow the user to choose the date/time format they would like to see. For more information refer to the individual report criteria dialogs, see Web UI Reports.

  • If your Reporting Server installation is configure to connect through HTTPS using TLS, please not that, after installing the new version of the Reporting Server, you have to set up HTTPS again, see Configuring the Reporting Server for TLS Authentication.

  • After an upgrade, the Jasperserver-pro password for the superuser is reset to the default TermaPassword. If you are not using the default password, make sure you define it again (http(s)://hostname:post/jasperserver-pro/login.html).

Bug Fixes

  • Expanded the new controls and support added in 6.4.4 for the handling of non-English characters within AAI to all Insight Reports.

    Associated Ticket: DE554996

  • The Business Area and Jobstream lists are now presented in alphanumeric order in all Insight reports.

Connector Framework 6.4.5

  • Added support for Universal Container End conditions to the /v2/jobs REST APIs.

  • Updated support to the AAI Universal Converter to save Container End conditions received via the /v2/jobs REST APIs to the AAI database.

Mainframe Data Provider 2.0.0

This release includes the second version of the Mainframe Data Provider, which includes support for both CA7 and IWSz. It allows you to configure the connection between AAI and these two mainframe based schedulers using ISPF panels on the mainframe, removing the necessity for any scheduled jobs to gather the data that AAI requires. For more information, see: