Release Notes 6.4.5-1

This topic provides information about the new features and enhancements, bug fixes, and database changes that have been implemented in this version of AAI as well as enhancements and bug fixes that are connector-specific.


There are no enhancements in 6.4.5-1.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where references to certain objects that had been deleted from a universal scheduler were not properly updated in or deleted from the AAI job definitions. This resulted in the AAI initialization failing after a restart and prevented users from logging into AAI.

Database Schema Upgrade Summary from 6.4.5

There are no schema changes from 6.4.5.

ESP Connector 1.0.2

  • AAI Connector Framework updated to 6.4.3

  • Spring Boot updated to 2.7.7

  • Fixed the connector logging problem

  • Fixed the connector problem parsing complex conditions common from ESP

  • Enhanced installer (with new install wrapper script)