Release Notes 6.4.6-1

This topic provides information about the new features and enhancements, bug fixes, and database changes that have been implemented in this version of AAI as well as enhancements and bug fixes that are connector-specific.


  • Improved how WARN messages for functionality that is not complete are logged in the jaws.log file.

    Logging for unimplemented functionality is done only in debug mode so that the log files are not filled with unusable and potentially misleading information.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in multiple email (SMTP) alerts sent for a single Jobstream Late, Jobstream Complete or Jobstream Not Predicted to Finish alert.

    Alerts are generated and distributed in different passes. For the run cycle, two different calls to distribute were made without clearing the generated alerts in between, resulting in multiple distributions.

    Associated ticket: DE559352

  • An issue has been solved in which, while creating a josbtream, the user could not specify the Parentage using the add_jobstream command because the parentage parameter was not available.

    Associated ticket: DE560727

  • Fixed an issue in which the Daily Batch Cycle Scheduled Email was missing the file attachment and returned the message: "JasperReports Server encountered an error while generating this report. Please contact your administrator."

    The configuration parameter that validates non-english characters when using UTF-8 data did not validate alert data when getting alert details through the REST API causing the exception at the time the report was scheduled to run.

    Associated ticket: DE564243

Database Schema Upgrade Summary from 6.4.6

There are no schema changes from 6.4.6.

Reporting Server 2.0.0-1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented installing/upgrading the Reporting Server if Google Chrome was not available.

    Google Chrome is no longer mandatory to install/upgrade the Reporting Server. If Google Chrome is not available, the Reporting Server installation/upgrade process continues successfully but it returns a warning message to the user pointing out that reports and dashboards cannot be exported to PDF, DOCX and other formats without Chrome/Chromium.

    Associated ticket: DE562109