Release Notes 6.5.0-1

This topic provides information about the new features and enhancements, bug fixes, and database changes that have been implemented in this version of AAI as well as enhancements and bug fixes that are connector-specific.


  • AAI re‑branding extended in AAI structures

    Changed the default installation directory name from Automic_Automation_Intelligence to Automation_Analytics_Intelligence. This makes the naming conventions on the GUI and in the headless installation consistent with the re‑branded name Automation Analytics & Intelligence. References to the directory in the documentation will be updated with the next minor release.

  • New configurable server parameter to improve predictions with negative dependencies

    Fixed an issue where CA7 jobs with negative dependencies were incorrectly predicted by adding the following server parameter:


    This defines the maximum lookback time span that AAI uses when calculating negative dependencies (default: 12 hours). You find it under the less commonly configured parameters on the Params tab of the Configuration Tool. If you change the setting here, you must rebuild the jobstream to see the change reflected in the historical jobstream runs.

    Associated ticket: DE576287

  • Refresh time stamp on jobstream views

    A time stamp with the last data fetch was added next to the Refresh button in the timeline toolbars of all the jobstream timeline views in the new Web UI.

Bug Fixes


The following general fix was made with this release.

  • Resolved an issue caused by older versions of Amazon Correto JDK and Adopt JDK. Make sure to use 1.8.382-b05 or later.

    Associated ticket: DE564345

The following component upgrades were made to resolve security vulnerabilities:

  • Upgraded the Jackson Databind and related library packages from versions 2.9.x to 2.15.2 to resolve the following security vulnerabilities:

    Critical vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2019-14892 (BDSA-2019-4213)
    • CVE-2019-16942 (BDSA-2019-3136)
    • CVE-2019-16335 (BDSA-2019-2978)
    • CVE-2020-8840 (BDSA-2020-0252)
    • CVE-2020-9548 (BDSA-2020-0354)
    • CVE-2019-20330 (BDSA-2019-4111)

    Library version details:

    • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.15.2
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jsr310:2.15.2
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jdk8:2.15.2
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.15.2
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml:2.15.2
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.15.2
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider:2.15.2
  • Upgraded the Jython library from version 2.7.2 to version 2.7.3 and the Apache Commons Compress package, which it depends on, from version 1.19 to 1.24.0 to resolve the following critical security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2021-35516(BDSA-2021-2075)
  • Upgraded the Apache Batik package from version 1.16 to 2.2 to resolve the following security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2022-44729
  • Upgraded the SnakeYAML package from version 1.17 to 2.2 to resolve the following security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2017-18640
  • Upgraded the Scala package from version 2.9.2 to 2.13.12 to resolve the following security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2017-15288
  • Upgraded the Apache Xalan package from version 2.7.2 to 2.7.3 to resolve the following security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2022-34169
  • Upgraded the Jettison JSON StAX implementation package from version 1.5.3 to 1.5.4 to resolve the following security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2023-1436

Web UI v2

This AAI version includes the following bug fixes related to AAI's next generation Web UI:

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI where clicking Save did not always close the Add Scheduler dialog.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI where, after a scheduler is deleted, its jobs are still displayed in the list of available target jobs in the Add Jobstream dialog.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI on the Jobstream Runs - Grid view to keep the filter dropdown open for further selections after a parent business area is deselected.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI that prevented Skipped Runs from being displayed in the Job Run History tab.

  • Fixed an issue with inaccurate CA7 jobstream predictions that was found to be caused by erroneous start date calculations.

    Associated ticket: DE576290

  • Fixed an issue on the Average Runs tab of the Job Details page in the new Web UI where the New Predicted Duration button turned into a dropdown after deleting a previous predicted duration entry.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI on the Average Runs tab of the Job Details page where a problem with the date-time format caused an "Invalid Date" error message.

  • Fixed an issue due to a time zone bug in the new Web UI where, when editing a jobstream definition, the date entered in the Include runs since field for the Historical Runs calculations did not persist after saving changes.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI where the vertical scroll bar in the Jobstream Runs - Timeline view disappeared after the view auto-refreshes.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI that, when a jobstream’s history is rebuilt after you change the value used for calculating historical runs, all alerts are now cleared from the jobstream’s Alerts tab because the previous alerts cannot accurately reflect the new lateness calculations. In fact, this happens whenever you make a change to a jobstream that leads to AAI recalculating the run statistics and SLA deadlines.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI Gantt view, where tooltips that appear with job details when you mouse over a job name in the Jobstream Tree do not disappear after mousing away from the job name.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI, where the date filter did not stay consistent when switching between the Jobstream Runs Timeline and Grid views.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI, where the total count of jobstream runs on the Jobstream Runs - Grid view was not consistent with the filters applied.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI, where the table on the SLA Graph view of the jobstream Run Details tab, was not showing the number of critical path jobs in the Critical Path Jobs column.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI, where the OK button was not disabled on the Add Jobstream dialog for a CA7 jobstream prior to validating the entered SCHID, which allowed saving invalid CA7 jobstreams.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI, where sorting on Status on the All Jobs webpage sorted only the jobs in the currently displayed page, not the entire list of jobs, over however many pages it might run.

  • Fixed an issue in the Web UI, where the user-supplied end time on the SLA tab of a jobstream definition was showing an incorrect AM/PM setting.

  • Fixed an issue in the new Web UI, where the OK button on the Add Jobstream dialog was disabled when the user selected a different target job after making an erroneous selection.

  • Fixed an issue where schedulers on the System Monitoring page of the new Web UI were incorrectly shown to have an On Time status when they were actually Behind. Now, the Behind status is more accurately determined and displayed. Behind indicates that during the configured interval (which is different for each criterion) one or more of the following criteria is the case:

    • Job Definitions have not been updated
    • The event processing process (Jammer) has not run
    • No scheduler job event was received or processed

Database Schema Upgrade Summary from 6.5.0

There were no schema changes from 6.5.0 to 6.5.0-1.

Reporting Server 2.0.1-1

  • Upgraded the Xerces package from version 2.11.0 to 2.12.2 to resolve the following security vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2012-0881
    • CVE-2013-4002

Automic Connector 3.2.0-1

  • Fixed an issue where the connector did not pass FIRM_DATES_WITH_TIME in the correct format.

  • Upgraded the embedded Netty package from version 4.1.97.Final to 4.1.100.Final to resolve the following security vulnerabilities:

    • BDSA-2018-4022

    • CVE-2023-4586

    • CVE-2023-44487

  • Upgraded the embedded Jackson Databind package from version 2.13.5 to 2.15.3 to resolve the following security vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2023-35116

  • Upgraded the embedded Apache Tomcat package from version 9.0.80 to 9.0.81 to resolve the following security vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2023-45648

    • CVE-2023-42795

    • CVE-2023-44487

    • CVE-2023-42794