Client Reports

AAI has extensive reporting capabilities both on the AAI thick client and on Client reports are standard reports that are included in the AAI client upon installation. You access these reports through the Reporting tab in the AAI thick client. These reports are described in this topic. For information about the other type of reports that AAI offers, the Web UI reports, which are also known as Vision or Insight reports, see Web UI Reports.

In a fresh AAI installation, the Reporting tab of the AAI thick client contains six client report templates. These templates provide detailed information about specific aspects of the AAI data related to workload executions of AAI schedulers:

  • Jobstream Summary

  • Jobstream Detail

  • Processing Load

  • Termination Status

  • Trending by Critical Path History

  • Trending by Job Run History

You can modify and duplicate these templates to adapt them to your needs. This means that any report that you create in the client is based on one of these templates.

You can run reports at any time against the current data in the AAI database either through the user interface or through the command line interface (CLI). AAI allows multiple reports to run simultaneously regardless of size.


Currently, reports are saved for one day unless otherwise specified. Contact your AAI administrator if you need to save your reports for more than one day. A background process deletes old reports, which by default runs each night at 1:30 a.m.

This topic introduces you to the client reports. It explains the steps to create reports that are common to all report types. It also provides links to the topics that describe each specific report template and how to configure new reports based on them.

This page includes the following:

The Reporting Tab

The Reporting tab displays the most important information about the selected report at a glance:

Report Types

This pane lists the six report types and the reports that are available to you for each report type. All public reports and the your own private reports are included in the lists.

The report type name also opens the template for adding new reports of that type. You use the buttons in the toolbar or the context menu to work with the templates and reports.

Report Criteria

This pane shows the most important data that is specific to the selected report.

  • <report type>

    This section is common to all reports and is not editable. The title is the type of report, such as a Jobstream Summary, or a Trending by Job History report. Below the title you see a brief and common description of the nature of this type of report.

  • Info

    This section summarizes the organizing structures, such as date grouping and sort order, as well as various data selection criteria. The criteria types and values that are included here depend on what is relevant for the report type. For example, reports about jobstreams have criteria about the execution states of the jobstreams that are included.

  • Report specific section

    The larger section in the bottom of the pane contains further data selection criteria such specific to each type of report, such as business areas, jobstream names, or schedulers. In addition, this section lists the data fields that are included as columns in the report.

Configuring a New Client Report

The following steps are common to all client report types:

  1. In the Reporting tab select a template from the Report Types pane and click the icon with the plus symbol. The <report type> New Report Criteria dialog is displayed.

  2. Give the report a descriptive, self-explanatory name.


    The reports that you create will potentially be available for other users in your organization. Define consistent and easy-to-understand naming conventions that let users easily recognize the content of the reports.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Public

      Other AAI users can access this report, they can run it and they can make their own copy of this report. However, your user ID is still the owner of the report and nobody can modify your copy.

    • Private

      Nobody can access this report but you. It makes sense to select this as long as you are working on configuring the client and you do not want to make it public yet.

Report Type-Specific Tabs

The dialog for each report contains tabs where you enter the query criteria that will populate the report fields. Some of these tabs are common to all report types, other are specific o each type. For detailed information on how to configure each report type specifically, see:

When you are done with the report configuration, click OK. The new report is displayed under the corresponding template in the Report Types pane.

Working with the Client Reports

Select and right-click a report or use the buttons in the Report Types toolbar to perform the following actions:

  • Run

    Select a report and click this button to generate it.

  • Edit

    Opens the selected report and lets you modify the query criteria. Editing a report does not let you change the report name.

  • Delete a report

  • Duplicate a template

    Creates a report based on the selected template

  • Duplicate a report

    Creates a replica of the selected report

  • Access the queue

    Opens the Report Queue list

Reports and Time Zones

You can generate reports either in the time zone in which your AAI instance is installed or you can choose another time zone. This is a very useful feature for team that distributed in different time zones.

The Report Queue

The last button in the Report Types pane opens the Report Queue window, which contains the list of reports that are waiting in the queue to be generated. The reports are visible in the queue as long as they are waiting or running. As soon as they are generate, they are removed from the list.

If you are an administration, this window lists all queued reports. Otherwise, only your own reports are available here.

Report Number

As soon as you generate a report, it gets a number. Number 1 refers to the oldest, currently being processed report. If you are not an administrator, be aware that the numbers indicate the overall queue position, including the reports that you do not have access to (other users' reports).


An icon indicates whether the report is running, is waiting or is canceling and a timer indicates how long


If you cancel a report in waiting status, it is immediately removed from the queue. If you cancel a running report, it goes first into canceling status and one of the following happens:

  • The report finishes generating if it was too late to cancel.
  • The report is not generated and disappears from the list.

See also:
