Web UI Reports

AAI's Web UI reporting capabilities are flexible tools to report on virtually anything that happens in AAI and on the integrated schedulers: Jobs, jobstreams, runtimes, end times, SLAs, trends, evolutions over time and much more. The reports you can create and view here are known as either Vision or Insight reports. These reports are described in this topic. For information about the AAI client reports, the other type of reports that AAI offers, see Client Reports.

To create a Web UI report in AAI, you first create a dashboard, which is basically a web page. Then you add panels to that page. Each panel is a report that you can configure to provide the data that you need. You can schedule reports, duplicate them and then adapt them to your needs, download them, share them with other users through a link, and so forth.

This topic explains how to configure dashboards and panels and it describes how to work with them.

This page includes the following:


For the AAI Web UI reports to be available, the following must be true:

  • The AAI administrator has installed a specific and dedicated web server and application alongside AAI.

  • You have received the ID and password to log in to the AAI Web UI.

Accessing the AAI Web UI Reports

You can access these reports by clicking the link "Sign in to AAI - Web V1" on the bottom of the login pane. Use the ID and password provided by your administrator, see Accessing AAI and follow the steps under Launching and Logging In to the AAI Next Generation Web UI.

When the AAI Web UI for reports opens, this is what the landing page looks like:

You find the Web UI reports in the MY PAGES section. It is also from this section that you start creating new pages (dashboards).


If you have issues exporting ad hoc reports in Linux after upgrading the Reporting Server to version 2.0.3, try the following:

  1. Stop the Reporting Server.

  2. Navigate to the <BI_InstDir>/common/lib folder in your installation directory.

  3. Remove the libcrypto.so.1.1 and libcrypto.so files and put them in a backup folder.

  4. Restart the Reporting Server and try exporting the reports again.

Creating Report Pages

This is how you create a page and add panels to personalize your reporting environment. The process is the same for Vision and Insight reports:

  1. On the Web UI landing page click New Page and enter a descriptive name on the New Page dialog.

  2. The SELECT PANEL TYPE is displayed, where you select the type of report that you want to create. The two tabs on this dialog let you choose between Vision and Insight:

    • Vision has 5 types of panels, they show real time data for job, jobstream status, forecast, system load and so forth.

    • Insight has 9 types of panels that use the AAI analytics and data management capabilities: Trends, graphs, batch reports, and so forth

    The only two differences between Vision and Insight reports are the internal tool with which they are created and the toolbars that, in the case of Insight, provide some additional functionality to the panels. From a configuration or a usage perspective, it is irrelevant which one you use. You must only know where to find the report template that you need.

  3. Select the type of panel that you want to add.

  4. On the Add <type> Panel dialog do the following:

    1. Enter a descriptive name for the panel. It should describe the type of data on which it will report.

    2. Later, when you have finished configuring the panel, select Published if you want to make this panel public. This will give access to other users to this report. They will be able to add it to their dashboards, copy, download and share it, and so forth.

    3. Configure the data source for this panel. You can keep the defaults or click on the buttons to personalize the result by clicking the Contains anything/Any buttons and entering the filter criteria. For each data source you can add as many criteria as needed. These criteria are combined using the OR operator.

  5. Click OK to add the panel to your dashboard.

    Vision Panels

    The screenshot below shows a dashboard with four Vision panels (Trouble Job StreamsJob Dependency Graph, Active Job Streams, Completed Job Streams):

    dashboard with four panels

    Use the plus symbol and the two little arrows on the upper right side of the panels to add a new one or to resize the current panel. To move a panel to a different position in the dashboard, you simply drag and drop it.

    Each panel provides additional options that you can access by clicking its top right icon: Edit, Copy, Move, Delete, Shorter, Taller, Download, Get Link.

    screenshot of a panel where the icon is selected and the dropdown menu with the available menu options is displayed

    Most of these options are self-explanatory. With Get Link you create a link that you can share with other users so that they can access it.

    Insight Panels

    Insight panels have a toolbar at the bottom that lets you do the following:

    • Refresh the panel data.

    • Download the report in one of multiple document formats: PDF, XLSX, XLS, RTF, CSV, ODT, ODS, DOCX, PPTX.

    • Schedule the generation and emailing of the documents.

Report Types

The following report (panel) types are available:



In addition, you can build new report templates or enhance existing ones using Jaspersoft, a third-party product.