Job Run History Data Table Report

The Job Run History Data table report shows the history of job executions within a particular time frame. You can generate the data table on its own, based on your specifications when you configure the report. You can also open a Job Run History report as a second view of the Job Run History Graph or the Job End Time Graph by clicking anywhere on those graphs. When you come to this table from one of those graphs, you see the run history for the job executions that were selected on the graph. You return to the graph by clicking a back-arrow icon in the actions bar below the table. For information, see Job Run History Graph Report or Job End Time Graph Report.


When you open the table from one of the graphs, you basically in a tabular view of the graph. So, if you choose the Edit action when viewing the table, you open the Edit dialog for the originating graph. After editing you return to the graph view, this time showing the results based on the edited values.

The screenshot below shows the runs for a job for the period from April 3rd to April 16th:


Screenshot of the Job Run History Data Table report

Configuring the Report

You can configure this report to provide data for one or more jobs. You must also specify the date range on which you want to report. The remaining configuration options are self-explanatory.

Screenshot of the configuration dialog for the Job Run History Data Table report

Working with the Report

Click the icon on the top right corner of the panel to open a menu with the configuration options:

  • Edit

    Opens the configuration dialog where you can edit the name, published status, and filter criteria used for the report. For each data source you can add as many criteria as you need to narrow down the scope of the report. Combinations of these criteria are evaluated as logical OR relationships.

  • Copy

    Creates a copy of the panel that you can then re-configure and adapt to your needs.

  • Move

    Moves the panel to a different page (dashboard).

  • Delete

    Deletes the panel.

  • Shorter/Taller

    Resizes the panel vertically.

  • Download

    Downloads the report in the format you choose: PDF, XLSX, XLS, RTF, CSV, ODT, ODS, DOCX, or PPTX.

  • Get Link

    Creates a link to the report that you can share with other users.

At the bottom of the report panel, you find a small toolbar with several icons that you can click for additional options for viewing and scheduling the report:

Partial screenshot of the action icons at the bottom of a table report page

  • Pagination options: If the report has several pages, you have options to go to the next or previous page.

  • Refresh: Click the refresh icon to pull the latest data into your report.

  • Download: Click the download icon and select the format in which you want the report immediately downloaded onto your computer.

  • Schedule: Click the clock icon if you want to schedule the report to run automatically at specific times. In the Schedule Report to Run options, you can specify the date and times for the runs and the repeat options. In the Distribution options, specify where the report should be sent and in what format.

    All Insight reports that allow scheduling provide the same scheduling options. In the following example, you see those options in the Schedule Trending Jobs Data Table window:

See also:

Web UI Reports