Jobstream Detail Report

The Jobstream Detail report provides high-level statistics on each jobstream run as well as on all critical path jobs within the jobstreams. It provides detailed information about the time spans associated with the various types of delays. This report is particularly useful for troubleshooting and in determining how to optimize your jobstreams. By sorting the results based on various properties, you can see at a glance which jobs are causing the most latency in the jobstream, or the most delay or the longest runtime.

The Jobstream Summary and the Jobstream Detail reports are very similar. The main difference is that the Jobstream Detail report also provides statistics for each run for not only the jobstream as a whole but for all of the upstream jobs that are on the critical path of the target job.

For information about the possible delays, see Types of Delays.

Configuring the Jobstream Summary Report

Configuring this report is really straightforward. The following steps are common to all report types:

  1. In the Reporting tab select a template from the Report Types pane and click the icon with the plus symbol. The <report type> New Report Criteria dialog is displayed.

  2. Give the report a descriptive, self-explanatory name.


    The reports that you create will potentially be available for other users in your organization. Define consistent and easy-to-understand naming conventions that let users easily recognize the content of the reports.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Public

      Other AAI users can access this report, they can run it and they can make their own copy of this report. However, your user ID is still the owner of the report and nobody can modify your copy.

    • Private

      Nobody can access this report but you. It makes sense to select this as long as you are working on configuring the client and you do not want to make it public yet.


Here you determine the jobstreams or business areas for which you want to generate the report. By default, all the business areas in your client are selected. Use the Add and Remove buttons to select the jobstreams or business areas that you want to include.

Finding the Jobstreams/Business Areas you Need

The Available pane shows all the business areas and jobstreams in your client, which can potentially be thousands of them. Use the Categorized, Alphabetic and Matching options at the bottom of this pane to organize this data so that you can easily find what you need:

  • Categorized

    The jobstreams are organized by business areas in a tree view.

  • Alphabetic

    The jobstreams are displayed alphabetically without indicating their business area.

  • Matching

    This search is useful if this pane contains many jobstreams. It provides various search options. It lets you search for jobstreams using regular expressions. It is a powerful tool to find matching patterns that you can select in bulk and move to the Selected pane

Grouping and Sorting

By default, the results are grouped by date and sorted by jobstream. This means that the report generates a table that shows the jobstream runs by day and where the jobstreams are sorted alphabetically.

To show how jobstreams perform over time, select Group By: Jobstream. This option also enables the Chart Selected Runs feature. Activate it if you want the report to provide a chart of the runs.

The Sort By dropdown list provides many useful options to sort the resulting data by. This comes in handy when you are looking for something specific.

You can additionally sort the jobs on the critical path by selecting a criterion in Sort details (of upstream jobs on the critical path) by.


Sort the upstream jobs by Finish to Start latency or by Designed Delay to point to reasons why a particular jobstream may have run longer than its expected duration.


Here you select the status of the jobstreams for which you want to generate the report.

  • Completed

    The report analyzes completed jobstream executions. You must select the period of time you want to report on. We recommend that you set a minimum of 30-days worth of data.

    For completed executions you must select the time range or the specific dates for which you want to run the report. By default, it is set to the last 7 days. If you activate Include Current Day and enter 0 in Last <x> days, the report will contain data on the current day, midnight to current time.

  • In Progress

    The report analyzes jobstreams that are running at the time of report creation.

  • Forecasted

    The report analyzes jobstream runs that are forecasted to start in the future.

  • In the Status section you can drill down into more specific jobstream statuses.


By default all columns are selected, which means that all fields will be considered in the report. You can remove the columns that you do not want to show. Also, use the up and down arrows to modify the order of the columns in the report.

Format Options

You can produce the report in multiple formats: PDF, HTML, XML and CSV. On this tab you specify the formatting options.

You can also generate the report with dates and times presented in a specified time zone. When you run the report, if the time zone you specified is not the same as the time zone of the server that the jobstreams and jobs ran on, the dates and times will be converted and presented in your selected time zone . This is useful if your teams are distributed across different time zones.


Double click a report or select it and click the Run report in the toolbar. A message saying Run report is displayed over the AAI main tabs that lets you know that the report is still generating. When finished, the report opens in your browser.

This is what a Jobstream Detail report could look like:

See also:
