Termination Status Report

The Termination Status report provides aggregated data on the status of past executions in a scheduler per day. It shows the number of jobs ending in Failure, Terminated or Success status. Optionally, it shows the details of the jobs in Failure and Terminated status.

Its purpose is to provide consolidated data from multiple scheduler streams into a single report. However, there are many other useful variations of this report. For example, if you sort the data by start time, the resulting report lets you see the execution sequence in the scheduler.


Here you define the dates, times and schedulers for which you want to run the report.

  • Dates

    By default, this report provides data for the last 7 days including the current day. You can change this date range or define specific dates. If you activate Include Current Day and enter 0 in Last <x> days, the report will contain data on the current day, midnight to current time.

  • Times

    By default, the time range is set to 9 am to 5 pm but you can change it.

  • Filter

    You define here the statuses and the scheduler for which you want to run the report. The statuses and fields in this section depend on the scheduler that you select. You can run the report for one or more schedulers.

    To run it for more than one scheduler do the following:

    1. In Scheduler select All Schedulers.

    2. In Termination Status, select one scheduler and define the statuses that you want to include in the report.

    3. Repeat the previous step with all the schedulers that you are interested in.

  • Show Job Runs

    Deactivate this option to show only summary data in aggregated form.

  • Sorting data

    For each day in the report, you can choose how to sort the time periods.

    • To see which time of day has the most jobs starting, select Start time and sort in descending order.

    • To report on all failed jobs in your entire operational landscape, select all schedulers and all failed statuses.

  • If you have large volumes of data, the Primary and Secondary options give you an additional grouping level. You can group the results first by the primary criterion and then by the second one.

Job Filter

The jobs in your schedulers contain a large amount of properties. Take your time to plan what to include in this report and fine tune its definition here, otherwise it can be very extensive and take a long time to generate.

The Job Filter tab lets you further restrict the results of the report to the jobs that match the criteria that you define here. You restrict them by selecting job-specific properties.

  1. Click the button in select property.

  2. In the Select Job Property dialog you can displays the properties either by category or by name.

    • By Category displays the properties organized by business areas

    • By name displays the properties alphabetically

  3. Select one or more properties and click OK.

  4. To enter the property value, select does or doesn't and select any of the available operators.

  5. In the last column, enter the value.

Important !

To use the does match option in the filter, you must escape the parentheses ( and ) by using a \ in the Termination status filter. For example:

JobStreamName \(Tue-Sat\)

If you do not escape the parentheses, the result of the report will be empty.


By default all columns are selected, which means that all fields will be considered in the report. You can remove the columns that you do not want to show. Also, use the up and down arrows to modify the order of the columns in the report.

Format Options

You can produce the report in multiple formats: PDF, HTML, XML and CSV. On this tab you specify the formatting options.

You can also generate the report with dates and times presented in a specified time zone. When you run the report, if the time zone you specified is not the same as the time zone of the server that the jobstreams and jobs ran on, the dates and times will be converted and presented in your selected time zone . This is useful if your teams are distributed across different time zones.


Double click a report or select it and click the Run report in the toolbar. A message saying Run report is displayed over the AAI main tabs that lets you know that the report is still generating. When finished, the report opens in your browser.

This is what a Termination Status report could look like:

See also:
