About Automation Analytics & Intelligence

Automation Analytics & Intelligence (AAI) adds capabilities to your company's workload automation landscape that no single job scheduler can offer. In today's workload automation, complex business processes involve multitudes of daily job executions from mainframe and distributed automation engines. Companies are running jobs on multiple job schedulers and even have processes that hand off the execution flow from one scheduler to another and back. Driving these processes are SLAs that demand timely fulfillment to avoid incurring costly penalties. AAI makes it possible to increase your SLA fulfillment even across the most complex workload automation landscapes.

Key Features

  • End-to-end visualization: Automation environments get very complex often with hundreds of thousand if not millions of individual jobs across multiple platforms, instances and vendors. AAI simplifies that complexity into manageable views, while ensuring data precision and reliability, in the following ways:

    • AAI organizes those jobs as complete processes and presents them in business terms that make sense to you.

    • AAI automatically discovers dependencies between your scheduler jobs to build jobstreams that show you the whole process and measures against final results.

    • AAI visualizes those dependencies in easy-to-understand views.

  • Predictive Analytics: AAI predicts when your workload process or batch will complete.

    If you have SLAs on specific jobs. AAI sends predictive alerts if you are in danger of jeopardizing those SLAs.

    AAI monitors your automation environments as they are executing and gets the latest job statuses. Based upon that, AAI predicts when your SLA (target job) will complete. AAI has alerting mechanisms to send alerts in case of danger to that SLA.

  • Smart alerting strategyAAI triggers alerts only if a job is running long enough that it is going to jeopardize your SLA, even if that SLA is hours into the future. Compared to “traditional” ways of alerting (monitoring max runtime of jobs, for example), you end up with fewer alerts and only the alerts that are meaningful to the success of your daily operations. Alerts come in early enough that you have time to react before your business is impacted.

  • Optimized SLA management. The real-time critical path that AAI provides changes dynamically as jobs are executing, so you can see the true impact of job executions in a workflow. The critical path of an execution is stored with the historical execution data. Knowing the critical pat history helps you discover where bottlenecks tend to be. Critical path data is part of the large data that comes with AAI, giving you the facts to spot trends and pinpoint opportunities for increased efficiency of your workload automation processes.

    Dedicated to the improvement of SLA delivery through workload automation, AAI provides advanced real-time prediction of SLA delivery.