Compatibility Information

The compatibility matrix lets you check version compatibility and cross-product dependencies for Automic Automation Intelligence. It provides compatibility information for various Broadcom products. This topic explains how to use the compatibility matrix to obtain the information you need for Automic Automation Intelligence. .

To Check Automic Automation Intelligence Product and Software Compatibility

  1. Open the compatibility matrix:

    1. Go to the download center at
    2. Expand Tools in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
    3. Select Compatibility Matrix.


    You can also access the page directly from this link: compatibility matrix.

  2. In Product, select Automic Automation Intelligence <version number>.

  3. In Component, select Automic Automation Intelligence.


    The complete compatibility and dependency information appears on the same page below your selection.

    In Version, you see the current AAI version.

  4. Optionally, select a Sub-Component to view the compatibility information for that AAI sub-component only.