Logging Out and Exiting AAI

You can either log out from or exit Automic Automation Intelligence thick client. The difference between these options is the following:

  • Log out: Closes the Automic Automation Intelligence thick client and re-displays the Automic Automation Intelligence log in dialog. In this case, you do not need to access the system using one of the log in options.

  • Exit: - Closes the Automic Automation Intelligence thick client completely and you need to access the system using one of the log in options.

    For more information, see Logging In to AAI.

You can access both options from the File menu on the main menu bar at the top left corner of the user interface.

To log out from the AAI Web UI, go to the top right corner of your browser and click logout.

To log out from the AAI next generation UI, go to the top right corner of your browser, click the user icon to display the options available and select Logout.

See also:

CLI - Getting Started Commands