User Roles in AAI

The topics in this section describe the type of people who either use AAI or need to understand some aspects of AAI to do their job. This includes more than just end users, as we provide information for beginners to experts in the business aspects as well as deeply technical ones. The people are described according to user roles. Each user role defines the tasks and goals that a person needs to accomplish with or for AAI as well as the skills and knowledge that person should have.


The roles described here are related to people's tasks and responsibilities within an organization. They should help you recognize which parts of the documentation might be relevant to you.

You should not confuse the user roles described here with the user roles that an AAI administrator assigns to users in User Administration to control user access to AAI and its objects. For more information, see User Management.

The purpose of user roles

For clarity and simplicity in the AAI documentation and education offerings, we address users by broad but common roles that are based on their functional responsibilities. We do this to help you recognize information that can support you in your area of responsibility and to identify who you can expect to have answers about other parts of AAI.

How to recognize which roles apply to you or others

The names used in AAI documentation and education might not match the titles that your organization uses. Therefore, to understand which information applies to you or other people in your organization, look at the tasks listed for each of the user role definitions, rather than look at the user role names.

This section includes the following pages:

See also

The AAI Life Cycle