Status of Jobstreams, Jobstream Runs and Job Runs
AAI displays the status of jobstreams, jobstream runs and job runs using various consistent visual aids through the user interface: Color coding, dotted/solid lines and icons. They are applied to the boxes in the multiple graphics and charts available in AAI that represent the runs. This topic explains the statuses and their visual aids.
Overall Status
Jobstreams, jobstream runs and job runs can have one of the following three overall statuses:
The boxes of runs that are done have a solid line.
The boxes of runs that are still going on have a dotted line.
The boxes of future runs have a dotted line.
Specific Status
AAI uses colors to provide detailed information about the status of the runs.
Everything is okay, the SLA has been met/will be met.
(Done) The run has finished and has met the SLA.
(Running or Future) The run is still going on and Predicted on time so it will meet the SLA.
Something is wrong. The SLA has not been met/will not be met.
(Done) The run has finished late, it has not met the SLA.
(Running or Future) The run is still going on or it has not started yet on and Predicted late. The SLA is jeopardized.
Something is wrong. The run is still going on or it has not started yet and it is NPTF (Not Predicted to Finish). When this happens, AAI lets the jobstream go through the root cause analysis engine and surfaces the resulting information (job that caused the NPTF status, reason for the failure and so on).
This status applies to Running and Future runs only.
Something is wrong, AAI. AAI's analysis engine could find no reason why the jobstream fails, so AAI sets the jobstream status to Unknown. Unknown states are rare.
See also: