Upgrading the Reporting Server from v2.0.x to v2.0.2

As an AAI administrator, you upgrade the Reporting Server in Windows or Linux. This page guides you through the upgrade process from version 2.0.x to 2.0.2.

  • If you are on version 1.x, you have to first upgrade to version 2.0.0 and then to a higher (2.0.x) version.

  • You must perform the upgrade from 2.0.x to 2.0.2 manually.

  • After upgrading, make sure that you configure the Reporting Server definitions accordingly, see Configuring the Reporting Server. No upgrade is complete without this step.

This page includes the following:


Make sure you consider the following issues before upgrading:

  • You can upgrade the Reporting Server at any time. You do not need to shut down the AAI Server nor take down the connectors.

  • Please note that, even on very fast hardware, your Reporting Server upgrade may take a minimum of ten minutes to complete.

Upgrading the Reporting Server on Windows


If you are on version 2.0.0, before upgrading, check if the JasperReports Server 6.4.2 registry key exists. If so, make sure you delete it before starting the upgrade process as only one should be available.

To upgrade the Reporting Server on Windows you simply need to uninstall and install it again using the same terma-bi-windows-installer executable file that was used for the installation.

  1. Back up your Jasper Server folder (<BI_InstDir>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro). To do so, create a folder to save the backup (for example, C:\JS_BACKUP) and copy <BI_InstDir>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro to that folder.

  2. Back up the Reporting Server database. To do so, create a folder to save the database (for example, C:\JS_BACKUP) and run the following commands for PostgreSQL:

    cd <path>/JS_BACKUP

    <BI_InstDir>/postgresql/bin/pg_dump.exe --username=postgres jasperserver > js-db-8.1-dump.sql

    When prompted for a password, enter bi_postgress.

  3. If your current Reporting Server installation is configured with TLS authentication, do the following:

    1. Back up the server.xml file located at <BI_InstDir>/apache-tomcat/conf.

    2. Back up the keystore file containing the Reporting Server TLS configuration. You can find the keystore path in the server.xml file (keystoreFile attribute).


      <Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" port="${HTTPS_PORT}" maxThreads="200" scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" keystoreFile="<BI_InstDir>\apache-tomcat\conf\key.bin" keystorePass="${PASSWORD_FOR_KEY}"" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/>

  4. Export the current repository data using the following commands:

    cd <BI_InstDir>/buildomatic

    js-export.bat --everything --output-zip js-export-8.1.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret

  5. Copy the js-export-8.1.zip file to your back up folder.

  6. Uninstall the current version (2.0.x) of the Reporting Server using the command cd < BI_InstDir> and run the bi-uninstall.exe file to uninstall.

  7. Install the Reporting Server v2.0.2. The steps below are the same as with a first time installation.

    1. Go to https://downloads.automic.com/, log in with your Broadcom account and download the relevant version of the Reporting Server. For more information ,see Downloads.

    2. Install the terma-bi-win-installer-i4j archive, extract it and run the terma-bi-windows-installer-<version>.exe file to setup the installer.

    3. Follow the instructions of the Install4J wizard.

      The default location for the installation is C:\Program Files\terma-bi-windows-installer but you can change it, if needed. You can also define a destination directory, if you want to create shortcuts for all users.


      You can use spaces when defining these file/directory paths.

    4. Once the script is running, you are prompted to configure the Reporting Server before installing the Reporting Server with the parameters you entered.

      Define the following:

      1. The Tomcat port of the Reporting Server. You can either use the default port (8080) or a different one. If the Reporting Server and the AAI server are on the same host, make sure that the Tomcat port is not the same as the port AAI server, for example 8090.

      2. The Tomcat shutdown port of the Reporting Server. You can either use the default port (8005) or a different one. If the default port is already in use, make sure you assign a different one.

      3. The AAI protocol that you want to use: 1) HTTP or 2) HTTPS, depending on if the AAI server is configured for non-TLS or TLS communication.

        If you have a backup of your your server.xml and keystore files, you can use them. However, you still need to reimport the AAI certs into the Java keystore after the installation.

        For more information on how to set up TLS authentication, see Configuring the Reporting Server for TLS Authentication.

      4. The AAI port. The corresponding default port is set automatically when you choose a protocol: 8080 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS.

      5. The database type that you want to use for AAI reports: 1) MSSQL or 2) ORACLE.

        This is the database used by the AAI server.

      6. The hostname of the email server (SMTP host) used to send scheduled reports.

      7. The port (default 25) of the SMTP email server.

      8. The email address from which the scheduled reports must be sent.

      9. Whether the mail server requires authentication or not: 1) Y or 2) N.

        If you select 1) Y, you also have to define the name and password of the SMTP server.

      10. The location where chrome is installed. The chrome executable is required to generate graph report exports.


        You can use spaces when defining this file/directory path.

    5. Once you are done with the definitions, they are displayed on the screen. Please check that the updated values are correct before continuing with the installation as these are the values that will be used to updated the termaBi.config file.


      Terma BI Reporting will be installed to C:\Program Files\aai-bi-server\bi-server

      Terma BI embedded DB password is set

      Terma BI embedded DB port is set to 5432

      Tomcat port will be 8090

      Tomcat shutdown port will be 8005

      Tomcat AJP port will be 8009

      JAWS protocol set to http

      JAWS host set to localhost

      JAWS port set to 8080

      Mail host will be example

      Mail from will be example@example.com

      Mail port will be 25

      Mail protocol will be smtp

      The location of Chrome will be set to C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe


      Authentication is not required for email. Set email user/password to default values.

      If the values are not correct, enter N to end the execution without installing the Reporting Server. This option allows you to re-run the script command and change your definition.

      If the values are correct, enter Y to proceed with the installation using the configuration that you defined.

      You can also change the configuration of the Reporting Server after the installation. For more information, see Configuring the Reporting Server.

    6. Once the installation is complete, you can either start or stop the Reporting Server.

      The Reporting Server starts as a Service: Apache Tomcat 9.0 jasperreportsTomcat. A second service is installed for the internal Reporting Server database: jasperreportsPostgreSQL.

      Also, two desktop icons are created during the installation process which allow you to start and stop the services.

  8. Copy the exported zip file (js-export-8.1.zip) from your backup folder back to the new <BI_InstDir>/buildomatic folder.

  9. In the command line, go to the <BI_InstDir> /buildomatic directory and run the js-import.bat --input-zip js-export-8.1.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret --skip-themes command to import the configuration you had backed up.

If the system detects that there is no Chrome available on the system, or that the current version is already up-to-date, a corresponding message is displayed.

Upgrading the Reporting Server on Linux


The Reporting Server is installed in the /opt/bi-server/server directory by default and the path is not customizable which means that you cannot change the installation directory.

To upgrade the Reporting Server on Linux you simply need to uninstall and install it again using the same files that were used for the installation.

  1. Back up your Jasper Server folder (<BI_InstDir>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro). To do so, create a folder to save the backup (for example, /opt/JS_BACKUP) and copy <BI_InstDir>/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro to that folder.

  2. Back up the Reporting Server database. To do so, create a folder to save the database (for example, /opt/JS_BACKUP) and run the following commands for PostgreSQL:

    cd <path>/JS_BACKUP

    <BI_InstDir>/postgresql/bin/pg_dump –-username=postgres jasperserver > js-db-8.1-dump.sql

    When prompted for a password, enter bi_postgres.

  3. If your current Reporting Server installation is configured with TLS authentication, do the following:

    1. Back up the server.xml file located at <BI_InstDir>/apache-tomcat/conf.

    2. Back up the keystore file containing the Reporting Server TLS configuration. You can find the keystore path in the server.xml file (keystoreFile attribute).


      <Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" port="${HTTPS_PORT}" maxThreads="200" scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" keystoreFile="<BI_InstDir>\apache-tomcat\conf\key.bin" keystorePass="${PASSWORD_FOR_KEY}"" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/>

  4. Export the current repository data using the following commands:

    cd <BI_InstDir>/server/buildomatic

    ./js-export.sh --everything --output-zip js-export-8.1.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret

  5. Copy the js-export-8.1.zip file to your back up folder.

  6. Stop and uninstall the current version (2.0.x) of the Reporting Server using the following commands respectively:

    sudo systemctl stop bi-server

    sudo rpm -e --noscripts terma-bi-linux-installer-<version>

    You can also find details about the current version of the Reporting Server using the following command:

    sudo rpm -qa | grep terma-bi

  7. Install the Reporting Server v2.0.2. The steps below are the same as with a first time installation.

    1. Go to https://downloads.automic.com/, log in with your Broadcom account and download the relevant version of the Reporting Server. For more information ,see Downloads.

    2. Unpack the .zip file to get the terma-bi-linux-installer-<version>.rpm and terma-bi-configure-rpm.sh files.

    3. Run terma-bi-configure-rpm.sh:

      sudo JAVA_HOME=</usr/java/default> ./terma-bi-configure-rpm.sh


      The script must be run as root/sudo; therefore, you have to make sure you have the permissions required. Also, you must use the JAVA_HOME parameter to pass the location of the java installation.

    4. Once the script is running, you are prompted to configure the Reporting Server before installing the Reporting Server with the parameters you entered.

      Define the following:

      1. The Tomcat port of the Reporting Server. You can either use the default port (8080) or a different one. If the Reporting Server and the AAI server are on the same host, make sure that the Tomcat port is not the same as the port AAI server, for example 8090.

      2. The Tomcat shutdown port of the Reporting Server. You can either use the default port (8005) or a different one. If the default port is already in use, make sure you assign a different one.

      3. The hostname or IP address on which the AAI server runs.

      4. The AAI protocol that you want to use: 1) HTTP or 2) HTTPS, depending on if the AAI server is configured for non-TLS or TLS communication.

        If you have a backup of your your server.xml and keystore files, you can use them. However, you still need to reimport the AAI certs into the Java keystore after the installation.

        For more information on how to set up TLS authentication, see Configuring the Reporting Server for TLS Authentication.

      5. The AAI port. The corresponding default port is set automatically when you choose a protocol: 8080 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS.

      6. The database type that you want to use for AAI reports: 1) MSSQL or 2) ORACLE.

        This is the database used by the AAI server.

      7. The hostname of the email server (SMTP host) used to send scheduled reports.

      8. The port (default 25) of the SMTP email server.

      9. The email address from which the scheduled reports must be sent.

      10. Whether the mail server requires authentication or not: 1) Y or 2) N.

        If you select 1) Y, you also have to define the name and password of the SMTP server.

      11. The location where chrome is installed. The chrome executable is required to generate graph report exports.

        Important !

        Make sure you define the chrome/chromium executable path, as it is a requirement needed during the new .rpm installation.

    5. Once you are done with the definitions, they are displayed on the screen. Please check that the updated values are correct before continuing with the installation as these are the values that will be used to updated the termaBi.config file.




















      If the values are not correct, enter N to end the execution without installing the Reporting Server. This option allows you to re-run the script command and change your definition.

      If the values are correct, enter Y to proceed with the .rpm installation using the configuration that you defined. By default, the Reporting Server is installed in the /opt/bi-server/server directory and the path is not customizable.

      However, you can change other configuration settings after the installation. For more information, see Configuring the Reporting Server.

    6. Once the installation is complete, you can either start or stop the Reporting Server or check its status.

  8. Start the reporting server using the following command:

    sudo systemctl start bi-server

  9. Copy the exported zip file (js-export-8.1.zip) from your backup folder back to the new <BI_InstDir>/server/buildomatic folder.

  10. In the command line, go to the <BI_InstDir> /buildomatic directory and run the ./js-import.sh --input-zip js-export-8.1.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret --skip-themes command to import the configuration you had backed up.


If you do not define a value for the Chrome installation, the installation process continues but you will not be able to export reports or dashboards to PDF, DOCX and other output formats.


If you have issues exporting ad hoc reports in Linux after upgrading the Reporting Server ot version 2.0.2, try the following:

  1. Stop the Reporting Server.

  2. Navigate to the <BI_InstDir>/common/lib folder in your installation directory.

  3. Remove the libcrypto.so.1.1 and libcrypto.so files and put them in a backup folder.

  4. Restart the Reporting Server and try exporting the reports again.

For more information ,see Web UI Reports.

See also: