Sharing Data Insights
Sharing a data insight is the only way to give another user access to your data insight in real time. Everyone you share the data insight with can see the filtered data and configuration as they are specified in the data insight definition. More interestingly, while viewing the data insight, the sharing users can play with the filters and column configurations to dynamically manipulate the data on their view, just as you can. This allows them to focus on different slices of data and relationships to surface data that is significant to their goals. Furthermore, they can add shared data insights as widgets to their own dashboards.
This topic covers both how data insights are shared and what the users who are given shared access can do with them. This information addresses both the person sharing the data insight and the people with whom it is shared.
This page includes the following:
Understanding Shared Data Insights
Sharing a data insight is the only way that you can provide others access to a data insight to other users so they can view a data insight and explore the data by manipulating the filters and configurations of the data view in real-time.
Before sharing a data insight with others, there are several things that are good to understand. This ensures that you have the level of control that you want and the other users get the access they need. This information can be equally helpful to you, if someone has shared a data insight with you.
The sharing roles
The following roles can exist for the users in the sharing situation:
Owner: This is the person who created the data insight. There is only one owner of a data insight and ownership cannot be transferred. This person is the original sharer. (You are the owner of all data insights that appear on the Created by me tab of the Data Insights list.)
The users that the data insight is shared with can have one of two roles:
A viewer can see the data insight and temporarily manipulate the filters, columns, and sorting while viewing it, but a viewer cannot edit the data insight definition to save any changes.
There are two ways a person becomes a viewer. Either the data insight is shared with all users, or it is shared specifically with certain users. Only those that are shared with you specifically appear on the Shared with me tab of your Data Insights list.
An editor can do anything an owner can do, except delete the data insight. An editor can change any and all settings of a data insight including the scheduling or who it is shared with. Therefore owners need to be cautious when giving edit rights to their data insights.
A data insight can have multiple viewers and editors.
Tip:how do I know if I can edit a data insight, am I an editor of a data insightYou can tell which role you have when you open the Actions menu. Only editors have the Edit action and any other actions that can change the definition of the data insight.
What happens when you share?
When you, as an owner or editor, share a data insight with other AAI users, the following happens:
If you allow all users to view the data insight, it appears on the All tab on all users' Data Insights list.
If you select specific users to view or edit the data insight, it appears on both the All and Shared with me tabs on their Data Insights list.
They see the data insight in real time. As the relevant data (based on the filters) is refreshed on your screen, that data is also refreshed on their screens.
Edits that you save to the data insight settings that affect either the included data or its appearance, show up on the shared users' screens as well.
What can a shared user do with the data insight?
Anyone you share a data insight with can dynamically change the filters as well as the table and graphic configurations while viewing the data insight. This allows them to take the data insight as you defined it and adjust the focus of the data to support their investigation and problem solving. However, these manipulations do not change the data insight for you or the other shared users. Only changes saved by the owner or editors will appear for all shared users.
All shared users can take actions on the data insight from the Actions menu, for example, printing, downloading, and emailing the data insight, among others. Editors have additional actions available.
For more information, see Viewing and Using a Data Insight.
A shared data insight can be a template to copy and adapt
All users, even those with only view rights, can create a copy of your data insight and then modify all the settings. In this way, a data insight can be a template for further data insights, and by sharing data insights you give users a head start to creating their own.
The person who copied the data insight is its owner and as such, can change all properties of the new data insight. The copy is identical to the original except for its name (now Copy of ...) that both the Schedule and Sharing settings are cleared.
A copy is severed from its original. So you will not see the viewer's copy unless, of course, it is shared with you.
Shared data insights and your dashboard
Data insights are the source of all widgets that you can add to your dashboards. Because of this, an important benefit of sharing data insights with other users is that they have ready-to-use building blocks for their dashboards using the Add to Dashboard action from the Action menu. For more information, see Adding a Data Insight to Your Dashboard.
Restrictions of sharing
You can share data insights only with AAI users who have access to the same AAI instance where you have created the data insight. Therefore those are the only names that appear in the drop-down list of users to select from when sharing a data insight.
For other people, you cannot share a data insight, but you can provide a snapshot of the data as a PDF, or CSV, or as a PDF attachment in an email.
In conclusion
As an owner or editor of a data insight, sharing the data insight with others is useful when you want to do any of the following:
Prepare a data set and configuration that is useful for other people and give them access to it
Prepare a template for others to be able to copy and use as a starting point for their own data insights.
Provide building blocks for others to quickly add meaningful data views to their dashboards.
If someone shared a data insight with you, then the following is true:
You will see the data insight on the All tab the Shared with me tab of the Data Insights list.
You can open the data insight and do the following:
Change the filter settings, which columns are shown, the sequence of the columns, and the sort order and hierarchy for the data.
Change the graphic grouping to change the graphic and quick-filter the data table.
Save a copy of the data insight with the filter, column, and grouping settings as they are set at the time of the save. You are the owner of the new data insight.
Download, print, and email a snapshot of the data insight.
Add it to one of your dashboard tab pages.
For information, see Viewing and Using a Data Insight.
In addition, if you are an editor (you have edit rights), you can also edit all settings in the data insight and change its sharing tab settings, as well as any other settings in the data insight definition. Changes you save affect all users who can view or edit the data insight.
For instructions, see Sharing a Data Insight.
Sharing a Data Insight
The owner and editors of a data insight can share it with other AAI users. Use the following steps to share a data insight or change the sharing settings for it. See also, Understanding Shared Data Insights.
Open the Sharing tab of the data insight definition. You can do this in one of the following ways:
As an owner, when you first define a data insight, click the Sharing tab.
As an owner or editor of an existing data insight, do the following:
Open the Actions menu for the data insight from one of two places:
On the Data Insights list, click the Actions button
(the vertical ellipses) in the Actions column.
(If this column is hidden, click the Columns button to the right in the menu bar above the list, and then select the column name to show it.)
On an open data insight page, click the Actions button
(the vertical ellipses) at the far right on the toolbar.
Select one of the following options:
Select Sharing, which opens the data insight definition directly on the Sharing tab.
Select Edit and then click the Sharing tab.
To allow all users to see the data insight, select All AAI users can view. They will have view rights only. The data insight is added only to the All tab of their Data Insights list.
If, in addition, you want to give some specific users edit rights, add them individually as described in the next step.
To add individual users to view or edit:
Select the user names from the drop down. You can select one name or hold the Ctrl key while selecting more than one user name.
Select whether the user or users you selected Can Edit or only Can View the data insight.
Click Add.
The data insight is added to both the All and Shared with me tabs of their Data Insights list.
Repeat this for additional users you want to share the insight with.
To change the level of access or remove a user from the list, in the box with Can Edit or Can View next to the user name, click the down arrow and either select another access privilege or Remove user.
A viewer can do everything except edit, share, or delete your data insight.
An editor can do everything except delete your data insight. Give this access only to users with whom you want to share responsibility for the data insight.
As an owner, you are the only one who can delete the data insight.
Optionally, click Notify users by email.
Click Save.