Installing AAI in Quiet Mode (Headless Installer - UNIX and Windows)

The headless installer automates the installation of AAI on both Windows and Unix. This installation option lets you invoke the AAI installer to run via the command line.


This page guides you through installing AAI in quiet mode using the headless installer in UNIX and Windows. For more information about installing AAI using the setup wizard GUI, see Installing AAI on UNIX (GUI) and Installing AAI on Windows (GUI).

This page includes the following:


The following files are bundled with the headless installer:


    The installer takes the necessary installation input from this file. It contains details and descriptions that help you edit it to adapt the installation to your needs.

  • readme

    This file contains instructions on how to invoke the installation on various modes and a license agreement with the same content as the license agreement that is part o the install wizard.

Use the -q switch in the command line to run the installer in quiet, unattended mode, which means that you will not get any prompts during the installation. Otherwise you will be prompted to provide values for every property in the file.

  • Without -q switch, a headful installation (GUI) occurs.

  • Without the file, the installation using the headless installer fails.

For more information on other available switches, see Installing with -dir, -p, and Other Switches.

Installing AAI in Quiet Mode

The quiet mode (headless) installation lets you install AAI without the setup wizard and without prompts to enter property values. Instead, the installer accesses the file that provides the required values. For more information about the properties and values in this file, see Configuring the File.


Keep the four installation files (installer.readme, LicenseAgreement.txt,, and, jaws-ue-windows-installer-<version number>-setup.exe or jaws-ue-unix-installer-<version number>, respectively) in the same directory.

Follow these steps:

  1. Accept the license agreement.

    For the quiet mode installation to run successfully, you must review the LicenseAgreement.txt file delivered with the installation package.

    Once done, go to the file and set the licenseAgreementReviewed property to true to accept the license agreement. The property is set to false by default.

  2. Adapt the file.

    The file includes many installation properties. Most properties include default values, but a few properties do not. Above each property, a comment describes the property and explains whether it is required. For more information about the properties and values in the file, see Configuring the File.


    This is the initial text of the file:


    # This file is used to run the Automation Analytics & Intelligence

    # installer from the command line as a "headless installation". Modify the contents

    # of this file as appropriate.


    # If you have read and agree to the terms of the license agreement, which is

    # located in the same directory as this file, then set the value

    # below to "true"

    # This property is required.


    # Directory where Automation Analytics & Intelligence should be installed.

    # Default directory path:

    # This property is required unless the '-dir' flag is used for headless installation

    # for Windows, the default path C:\\Automation_Analytics_Intelligence will be used #destinationDirectory=C:\\Automation_Analytics_Intelligence # for Unix, the default path /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence will be used #destinationDirectory=/opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence

    # Override destination directory if it exists (true/false)

    # This property is not required.


    Before running the installer, update the following property values where applicable:

    • Change the licenseAgreementReviewed value to true

    • Set the destinationDirectory, for example:

      UNIX: /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence

      Windows: C:\\Automation_Analytics_Intelligence

    • Set the overrideDestinationDirectory value to false

  3. To start the quiet-mode installation, do the following:

    • UNIX

      Issue the following command:

      ./jaws-ue-unix-installer-<version number> -q

      where -q puts the installer in quiet mode.

    • Windows

      Issue the following command:

      Windows PowerShell: The output goes to the console and log file

      ./jaws-ue-windows-installer-<version number>-setup.exe -q | Tee-Object C:\<path>\install.log

      Windows Command Prompt: The output goes to the log file

      ./jaws-ue-windows-installer-<version number>-setup.exe -q > C:\<path>\install.log

      where -q puts the installer in quiet mode.

    All information that the installer needs is retrieved from the file located in the same directory as the installer file.

    For more information about the switches available, see Installing with -dir, -p, and Other Switches.

Installation Examples

These examples show different scenarios of the AAI installation in quiet mode in both UNIX and Windows.

Example of a Successful Installation without Errors

The following example shows the output from a successful installation of AAI to the following directories:

  • UNIX: /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence

  • Windows: C:\Users\<user>\headless\aai

In both, UNIX and Windows:

  • The second line indicates the location of the file, from which installation properties were retrieved.

  • The installer properties and their values are listed below the Install Properties Including Defaults as Appropriate line.

  • The destination directory is specified in the destinationDirectory property.

UNIX Example

Starting Installer ...

Loading install properties from file: /opt/

Install Properties Including Defaults as Appropriate:

licenseAgreementReviewed: true

destinationDirectory: /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence

overrideDestinationDirectory: false

createSymlink: false

symlinkDirectory: /usr/local/bin

Required disk space: 698 MB

Free disk space: 658 GB

serverId: AAI

serverDescription: AAI Server

dbType: Oracle

oracleServiceName: AAI

dbHost: localhost

dbPort: 1521

dbUser: AAI

oracleDataTablespace: AAIDATA

oracleDataTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

oracleIndicesTablespace: AAIINDICES

oracleIndicesTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

oracleTempTablespace: AAITEMP

oracleTempTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

exPerDay: 5000

jobRunRetentionDays: 540

jobstreamRunRetentionDays: 180

plaLicense: true

sendTelemetryData: false




useProxyServerToSendTelemetryData: false



Important: Scripts have been generated in the "scripts" directory. You must run the createDevices.sql and createAAIDB.sql scripts to create the Automation Analytics & Intelligence database.

The installation directory has been set to /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence.

Extracting files ...

0 [main] INFO com.termalabs.common.KeyBasedCipher - Generating key

1 [main] WARN com.termalabs.common.KeyBasedCipher - All encrypted strings won't be usable and will be re-encrypted.

198 [main] INFO com.termalabs.common.KeyBasedCipher - Saved key to /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence/jboss/standalone/configuration/.jawskey

Finishing installation ...

Windows Example

PS C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer> .\jaws-ue-windows-installer-6.4.6-setup.exe -q -p C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer\ | Tee-Object install.log

Loading install properties from file: C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer\

Install Properties Including Defaults as Appropriate:

licenseAgreementReviewed: true

destinationDirectory: C:\Users\bob\headless\aai

overrideDestinationDirectory: true

createSymlink: false

symlinkDirectory: /usr/local/bin

Required disk space: 680 MB

Free disk space: 47 GB

serverId: AAI

serverDescription: AAI Server

dbType: Oracle

oracleServiceName: AAI

dbHost: localhost

dbPort: 1521

dbUser: AAI

oracleDataTablespace: AAIDATA

oracleDataTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

oracleIndicesTablespace: AAIINDICES

oracleIndicesTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

oracleTempTablespace: AAITEMP

oracleTempTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

exPerDay: 5000

jobRunRetentionDays: 540

jobstreamRunRetentionDays: 180

plaLicense: true

sendTelemetryData: false




useProxyServerToSendTelemetryData: false




At this point, if you are not running the installation as an administrator, a pop-up window prompts you to allow the application to make changes to your device. Once you have accepted, the installation process resumes.

Important: Scripts have been generated in the "scripts" directory. You must run the createDevices.sql and createJAWSDB.sql scripts to create the Automation Analytics & Intelligence database.

The installation directory has been set to C:\Users\bob\headless\aai.

Extracting files ...

Finishing installation

Example of an Installation with Non-Fatal Installation Errors

Two types of errors can occur during an AAI installation: non-fatal and fatal. If such errors occur, they are sent to the standard output.

The following examples show the output from an installation of AAI where the value of createSymlink was changed to abc in the file before running the installer. The installation is successful but it shows a non-fatal error because the value of createSymlink is set to abc in the file, whereas AAI used the default value (false).


The property values listed in the output of an installation are always the values used for the installation.

UNIX Example

Starting Installer ...

Loading install properties from file: /opt/

Install Properties Including Defaults as Appropriate:

licenseAgreementReviewed: true

destinationDirectory: /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence

overrideDestinationDirectory: true

createSymlink: false

symlinkDirectory: /usr/local/bin

Required disk space: 717 MB

Free disk space: 659 GB

serverId: AAI

serverDescription: AAI Server

dbType: Oracle

oracleServiceName: AAI

dbHost: localhost

dbPort: 1521

dbUser: AAI

oracleDataTablespace: AAIDATA

oracleDataTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

oracleIndicesTablespace: AAIINDICES

oracleIndicesTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

oracleTempTablespace: AAITEMP

oracleTempTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

exPerDay: 5000

jobRunRetentionDays: 540

jobstreamRunRetentionDays: 180

plaLicense: true

sendTelemetryData: false




useProxyServerToSendTelemetryData: false



Modify or command line to remedy the following errors and re-run the installer:

Non-fatal: symlinkDirectory must be true or false, default value of false will be used

Important: Scripts have been generated in the "scripts" directory. You must run the createDevices.sql and createJAWSDB.sql scripts to create the Automation Analytics & Intelligence database.

The installation directory has been set to /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence.

Extracting files ...

Finishing installation ...

Windows Example

PS C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer> .\jaws-ue-windows-installer-6.4.6-setup.exe -q -p C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer\ | Tee-Object install.log

Loading install properties from file: C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer\

Install Properties Including Defaults as Appropriate:

licenseAgreementReviewed: true

destinationDirectory: C:\Users\bob\headless\aai

overrideDestinationDirectory: true

createSymlink: false

symlinkDirectory: /usr/local/bin

Required disk space: 680 MB

Free disk space: 47 GB

serverId: AAI

serverDescription: AAI Server

dbType: Oracle

oracleServiceName: AAI

dbHost: gwh-windows-aai-server

dbPort: 1521

dbUser: AAI

oracleDataTablespace: AAIDATA

oracleDataTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

oracleIndicesTablespace: AAIINDICES

oracleIndicesTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

oracleTempTablespace: AAITEMP

oracleTempTablespaceDir: /opt/oracle/oradata

exPerDay: 5000

jobRunRetentionDays: 540

jobstreamRunRetentionDays: 180

plaLicense: true

sendTelemetryData: false




useProxyServerToSendTelemetryData: false




At this point, if you are not running the installation as an administrator, a pop-up window prompts you to allow the application to make changes to your device. Once you have accepted, the installation process resumes.

Modify or command line to remedy the following errors and re-run the installer:

Non-fatal: Invalid or missing dbHost, default value of gwh-windows-aai-server will be used

Important: Scripts have been generated in the "scripts" directory. You must run the createDevices.sql and createJAWSDB.sql scripts to create the Automation Analytics & Intelligence database.

The installation directory has been set to C:\Users\bob\headless\aai.

Extracting files ...

Finishing installation ...

PS C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer>

Example of an Installation with Fatal Installation Errors

Fatal installation errors terminate an installation and can occur in different situations. For example, a fatal error occurs if the licenseAgreementReviewed property is not set to true. Fatal errors can also occur if a required property does not have a value.

UNIX Example

In this example, the value of serverId was removed in the file before running the installer. BecauseserverId is a required property, the AAI installation failed.

Starting Installer ...

Loading install properties from file: /opt/

Modify or command line to remedy the following errors and re-run the installer:

Fatal: serverId must be present and valid

Installation failed

Windows Example

In this example, the value of dbType was set to BadDatabaseType in the file before running the installer. Since that is not a valid definition, the AAI installation failed.

PS C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer> .\jaws-ue-windows-installer-6.4.6-setup.exe -q -p C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer\ | Tee-Object install.log

Loading install properties from file: C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer\

Modify or command line to remedy the following errors and re-run the installer:

Fatal: Invalid dbType entered. Must be "SQL Server" or "Oracle"

Installation failed

PS C:\Users\bob\headless\aai_installer>

Fatal errors can also occur if the destinationDirectory already exists prior to an installation. For an initial install where the licenseAgreementReviewed property has been set to true, this situation would arise only if /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence (UNIX) or C:\\Automation_Analytics_Intelligence (Windows) exists prior to installation.

You have two options to fix an installation in this case. You can change the value of destinationDirectory to a directory that does not already exist. Alternatively, you can override the existing destination directory by changing the value of overrideDestinationDirectory from false to true. In this case, any files and directories from a prior installation will be updated. Existing files in the destination directory that are customer specific and not generated on an installation a not updated.

Configuring the File

The file contains default values that you can modify. All the properties in this file have the corresponding UI treatment in the wizard. The headless installer mirrors the behaviors of the wizard-based installer.

This table describes the properties:

Property Required Default Value Description Validation
licenseAgreementReviewed Yes false First property that is checked by the headless installer.

Must be set to true. Otherwise, the installer terminates with an error.



(Unix) /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence

Use -dir to override the default destination directory provided in the file.

In headless mode, the available disk space is checked.

The directory must be available and valid.

overrideDestinationDirectory No false

Unix only. Indication of if a Symlink should be created.

Result: If set, a Symlink is created in the symlinkDirectory.

Validation errors do not cause termination.
symlinkDirectory No /usr/local/bin Unix only. Ignored if createSymlink is set to anything other than true. If set to true, Symlink is created in this directory.

If true, a valid directory must be specified.

Validation errors do not cause termination.

serverId Yes AAI

ID of the AAI server being installed.

Result: ServerDescription populated as an insert statement in the createTables.sql.

Maximum number of characters
dbType Yes Oracle

Type of DBMS used for the AAI database.

Result: The appropriate .sql files are created using the syntax of the selected database.

Valid values: SQL Server, Oracle
oracleServiceName Yes if dbType is Oracle AAI

The Oracle service name.

Result: Populated in the jaws-database.xml file

Validation errors do not cause termination.
SQLServerDatabaseName Yes if dbType is SQL Server AAI

The SQL server database name.

Result: Populated in the jaws-database.xml file

Validation errors do not cause termination.
dbHost Yes localhost

The name of the database server where AAI will reside.

Result: Populated in the jaws-database.xml file

Validation errors do not cause termination.
dbPort Yes 1521

The name of the database server where AAI will reside.

Result: Populated in the jaws-database.xml file

Validation errors do not cause termination.
dbUser Yes AAI

The database userid used to connect to the AAI database.

Result: Populated in the jaws-database.xml file

Validation errors do not cause termination.
dbPwd Yes AAI

The database password used to connect to the AAI database.

Result: Populated in the jaws-database.xml file

Validation errors do not cause termination.
oracleDataTablespace Yes if dbType is Oracle AAIDATA

The name of the Oracle tablespace where the AAI data will reside.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
oracleDataTablespaceDir Yes if dbType is Oracle /opt/oracle/oradata

The directory where the AAI data for the Oracle data tablespace will reside.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
oracleIndicesTablespace Yes if dbType is Oracle AAIINDICES

The name of the Oracle tablespace where the AAI index data will reside.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
oracleIndicesTablespaceDir Yes if dbType is Oracle


The directory where the AAI index data for the Oracle index tablespace will reside.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
oracleTempTablespace Yes if dbType is Oracle AAITEMP

The name of the temporary tablespace in the Oracle database where the AAI

data resides.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
oracleTempTablespaceDir Yes if dbType is Oracle


The directory where the temp tablespace in the Oracle database where the AAI data resides.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
SQLServerDataFile Yes if dbType is SQL Server aaidata

The name of the data file where the AAI data resides within SQL Server.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
SQLServerDataDir Yes if dbType is SQL Server <path to data>

The path to the file where the AAI data resides within SQL Server.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
SQLServerLogFile Yes if dbType is SQL Server aailog

The name of the log file where the AAI log data resides within SQL Server.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
SQLServerLogFileDir Yes if dbType is SQL Server <path to data>

The path to the directory where the AAI log data resides within SQL Server.

Result: Info used in the createDevices.sql and createTables.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
exPerDay No 5000

The number of anticipated job executions per day.

Result: Value used to size data files in createDevices.sql

Validation errors do not cause termination.
jobRunRetentionDays No 540

The length of time to keep historical job run data.

Result: Added as insert statement in createTables.sql.

Validation errors do not cause termination.
jobstreamRunRetentionDays No 180

The length of time to keep historical jobstream run data.

Result: Added as insert statement in createTables.sql.

Validation errors do not cause termination.
plaLicense Yes true  

Must be set to true or flase. Otherwise, the installer terminates with an error.

sendTelemetryData Yes false    

PLA-Related Properties and Rules

The file contains the following PLA-relevant properties:

  • plaLicense

  • sendTelemetryData

  • telemetryCompanyDomain

  • telemetryEnterpriseSiteID

  • telemetryInternalIdentifier

  • useProxyServerToSendTelemetryData=false

  • telemetryProxyURI

  • telemetryProxyUsername

  • telemetryProxyPassword

The following rules apply to these properties:

  • plaLicense is a mandatory setting. It is set to true by default.

    If this property is not set, the installation process terminates.

  • When plaLicense AND sendTelemeryData are both set to true, then these are the mandatory and optional settings:

    • Mandatory: telemetryCompanyDomain and telemetryEnterpriseSiteID

    • Optional: telemetryInternalIdentifier and useProxyServerToSendTelemetryData

  • When useProxyServerToSendTelemetryData is set to true, then these are the mandatory and optional settings:

    • Mandatory: telemetryProxyURI

    • Optional: telemetryProxyUsername and telemetryProxyUsername

The information entered here is added to the telemetry.xml file.

Installing with -dir, -p, and Other Switches

You can use two switches when installing AAI in quiet mode:

  • -dir

    This switch lets you define the directory in which to install AAI.

    UNIX Example

    To place AAI in /Users/Bob/AAI, you issue the following command:

    ./jaws-ue-unix-installer-<version number> -q -dir /Users/Bob/AAI

    The installer installs AAI in /Users/Bob/AAI and ignore or override the install directory given in the file.

    Windows Example

    Windows Powershell: The output goes to the console and log file

    .\jaws-ue-windows-installer-6.4.6-setup.exe -q -dir C:\Users\Bob\AAI | Tee-Object C:\Logs\install.log

    Windows Command: The output goes to the log file

    .\jaws-ue-windows-installer-6.4.6-setup.exe -q -dir C:\Users\Bob\AAI > C:\Logs\install.log

  • -p or --properties

    This switch lets you define the location of the file from which to retrieve installation property values.

    To access an file located in a directory called myInstallProps, you can issue the following quiet-mode command.

    UNIX Example

    ./jaws-ue-unix-installer-<version number> -q -p myInstallProps

    Here, if the installer file is run from /Users/Bob, then it is assumed that there is an file in /Users/Bob/myInstallProps. The installer uses the file in /Users/Bob/myInstallProps and ignores the one (if any) in /Users/Bob.

    Windows Example

    .\jaws-ue-windows-installer-6.4.6-setup.exe -q -p myInstallProps

    Here, if the installer file is run from \Users\Bob, then it is assumed that there is an file in \Users\Bob\myInstallProps. The installer uses the file in \Users\Bob\myInstallProps and ignores the one (if any) in \Users\Bob.

Invalid Switches

If you use invalid switches, the AAI installation fails.

UNIX Example

./jaws-ue-unix-installer-<version number> -q -z

The -z switch is invalid and the AAI installation displays the following output indicating it:

Starting Installer ...

Unrecognized option: -z

usage: AAI Headless Installation

-dir Directory in which AAI will be installed. The

default is /opt/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence

-p,--properties <arg> Directory of The default is

the location of the install script.

-q True for headless install without prompts. The

default is False.

Please correct command line options.

Installation failed

See also: