Adding and Editing Jobstreams
AAI creates the jobstreams automatically as soon as the scheduler and its connector (if applicable) are defined and configured. When this happens, the data transfer between the workload automation solution (through the scheduler) and AAI takes place. In addition, it is also possible to create jobstreams using the following methods:
Manually through the user interface
Automatically using the CLI
If you are new to AAI, we strongly recommend the following:
Read Overview of the Business Implementation carefully before beginning with the implementation. This topic provides a roadmap for the AAI business implementation. It also describes how to start setting up your system, including jobstream creation.
In fresh installations, create the first jobstreams manually. Not only will this help you get a good grip of the product but it will also help you understand how you need to configure your jobstreams. Once you know how to meet your needs when setting up jobstreams, you can import the bulk of your processes automatically and then write scripts that configure the jobstreams.
When you add a jobstream manually, the first thing you do is to define its target job. AAI automatically discovers the target job's upstream dependencies (its predecessors) and builds the actual jobstream. As soon as a jobstream is created, AAI starts monitoring it at runtime and performing calculations that lead to predictions. If delays occur along the way, AAI sends alerts that let users remediate the cause before the timely completion of the jobstream is jeopardized.
Only users who have the required authorizations can add or edit jobstreams.
The dialogs to add and edit jobstreams are very similar although the Edit Jobstream dialog contains more tabs. For example, SLAs can only be specified when editing a jobstream and NOT when adding it, so this tab is only available when editing. This is because the system-calculated late criterion (criterion by which a jobstream will be considered to be running late) can only be determined after the jobstream has been added and the first calculations made.
Adding/Editing a Jobstream
You can add a jobstream from multiples areas in AAI:
Jobstream Definitions
Jobstream Runs - Grid
Jobstream Runs - Timeline
Any jobstream detail page
Any job detail page
You can start editing a jobstream from multiples areas in AAI
Jobstream Definitions
Jobstream Runs - Grid
Jobstream Runs - Timeline
Jobs list, from the job details by clicking the jobstream name(s) in which the job runs (Related Jobs and Jobstreams tab).
Selecting the Target Job
When you add a jobstream manually, the first thing you do is to define its target job. This is why the Add New Jobstream dialog opens to Select Target Job.
Use the Find Jobs where Name dropdown list and the adjacent input field to either select the target job (if you know its name) or to narrow down the list of possible candidates.
Click Find to display the list of jobs that match your search criteria.
Select the corresponding job. The bottom of the dialog displays the number of jobs in the jobstream as well as the number of historical runs. The latter gives you an idea of the quality of the calculations that AAI can deliver. The higher the number of historical runs, the better the quality of the calculations.
Click OK.
Note:After defining the target job of a jobstream, you can still change it by clicking the Edit button on the Add New Jobstream > Definitions tab.
Next Steps
After selecting the target job and clicking OK, the dialog changes to display the following tabs where you configure/modify the jobstream:
Configuring Jobstreams: Defining the SLA (available for editing only)
Editing Jobstreams: Setting the Start Job (available for AutoSys jobstreams only)
When Jobstream Edits Take Effect
Most of the changes that you can do to a jobstream go into effect straight away. Other changes, such as trimming or modifying its start job, take long because they require to rebuild the jobstream statistics. While rebuilding is in progress, if you click the Save button, AAI shows an updating pop-up. You can close the Edit Jobstream dialog to go back to the jobstream details page but the jobstream is locked for editing until the rebuilding process is finished.
The topics in this section describe how to add and edit jobstreams: