Viewing the Jobstream Details - Alerts

{"URL":["/aai/web/v2/jobstreams/*/alerts"],"heroDescriptionIdentifier":"ice_description_jobstreram_definitions_alerts","customCards":[{"id":"ice_description_jobstream_definitions_alerts_list","title":"Working with the Alerts List","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Definitions_Details_Alerts.htm"},{"id":"ice_Types_of_Alerts","title":"Types of Alerts","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Adding_Editing_Alerts.htm"},{"id":"ice_description_Working_w_Tables","title":"Working with Tables","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/_Common/CommonFunctions/CF_Working_with_Tables.htm"},{"id":"ice_description_Exporting_Table_Data","title":"Exporting Table Data","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/_Common/CommonFunctions/CF_ExportingTableData.htm"}]}

As an AAI jobstream administrator or business area coordinator, when working with a jobstream you may need to drill down into its properties to understand how the jobstream configuration might be affecting its performance. You access the jobstream configuration details from the Jobstream Definitions list by clicking the name of the jobstream. When you open the details of a jobstream from the Jobstream Definitions list, a page opens the shows all you need to know about the jobstream in one place. This page contains four tabs, Basic Information, Jobs, Run Details and Alerts.

The Alerts tab contains the list of all the alerts that have been issued for the selected jobstream. It provides detailed information about the alerts themselves and of the individual runs for which each alert was issued. You can have alerts displayed as far back in history as you need, the maximum being 180 days in the past. The filter lets you adapt the content of the list to your needs by providing multiple filter criteria.

Accessing the Jobstream Alerts Detail View

You can access the jobstream Alerts view from various places:

  1. In the left navigation pane select one of the following:

    • Jobstream Definitions

    • Jobstream Runs - Timeline

    • Jobstream Runs - Grid

  2. In the resulting view, click the name of the jobstream that you are interested on.

  3. On the jobstream detail page, open the Alerts tab.

The Alerts List

The list of alerts provides the following information:

  • Alert Time (always shown)

    Time at which the alert was issued.

  • Elapsed Time

    Amount of time that the jobstream has been running since the start time.

  • Severity (always shown)

    Severity of the alert.

  • % Completed

    How much of the jobstream has completed expressed as a percentage. AAI uses the following dates to calculate this percentage:

    • Jobstream Start Time

    • Jobstream Predicted End Time

    • As of time, which is the time at which AAI last polled the data from the underlying scheduler. The scheduler might be a few seconds ahead of this time because AAI polls its data every few seconds, depending on the scheduler configuration. This timestamp is available in the Schedulers list in the Event as of column. For more information, see Schedulers.

  • Type (always shown)

    Type of the alert. For more information, see Types of Alerts.

  • Start Time

    Time at which the jobstream started.

  • Predicted End Time

    predicted end time

    Time at which the target job is predicted to finish. This time determines whether the jobstream will meet the SLA or not.

  • Jobstream Run ID

    The unique internal ID in AAI for the jobstream run. This is also a link to the Gantt chart view for the run. For more information, see The Gantt View for a Jobstream Run (Web Interface).

  • Completed Jobs

    Number of jobs that have already completed in the run of the jobstream for which the alert was sent.

  • Currently Running Jobs

    Names of the jobstreams that are currently running in the jobstream.

  • Jobs in Jobstreams

    Total number of jobs contained in the jobstream.

  • Running Job Counts

    Number of jobstreams that are currently running in the jobstream.

  • Early/Late

    Current prediction of how early or late the jobstream is expected to complete.

  • Average End Time

    Time at which the jobstream is expected to finish, based on the available history for the jobstream and the time the run started.

  • Late End Time

    Late Criterion as defined for the jobstream when configuring its parameters. This is the time as of which AAI considers this jobstream to be late. For more information, see Configuring Jobstreams: Defining the SLA.

  • Predicted Jobs

    Number of jobs that have predicted start or end times. This number can vary because it takes into consideration any job failures that may have occurred or other dependency definitions that could influence the path of the jobstream.

For more information about the alert properties see:

When Is the Alerts List Empty?

The Alerts list can be empty for several reasons:

  • No alerts of any type are defined for the jobstream.

  • The jobstream runs to date have not triggered any of the alert types that are defined for the jobstream.

  • The filter that is applied excludes all alerts for the jobstream.

  • The alerts were cleared by AAI when the jobstream was rebuilt due to certain changes such as modifying trimming or start jobs, or rebuilding the jobstream with a different start date or days of run history.

See also: