Usage Data (Telemetry)
You can configure your product to collect and send telemetry data — product usage and system configuration data — to Broadcom. Use the information on this page to learn how to send usage data to Broadcom.
If you are licensed to use this product under a Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) subscription, you must configure it to collect and send product-specific usage data. If you are licensed to use this product under a standard license, you can consent to having this product collect and send usage data. By default, this product does not collect and send usage data.
For Automation Analytics & Intelligence, the reporting options are:
Report Usage Data Automatically
Use the Product Usage Collector
Report Usage Data Manually
This page includes the following:
What Data We Collect
The usage data information is securely transmitted to Broadcom. No Personally Identifiable Information (PII, as legally defined) covered under GDPR is transmitted. For more information about how your information is collected and used, read our Privacy Policy. Here is some of the usage data that your product may send to Broadcom:
Product: A description of the product SKU
Instance ID: A product-generated unique ID representing a single installation or environment
Date Collected: Use the yyyy-MM-dd format
Product Version: The product model and version
Site ID: The Enterprise Support Site ID of the customer
Domain Name: The name of the customer domain, that is,
SKU: The product SKU based on the entitlement
ChargebackID: A customer-provided value to be used for internal purposes
Additional fields: Counts of job executions by scheduler type
How Licensed Metrics Are Calculated
Usage data of jobs that are processed through AAI is calculated based on metrics to support the licensing and entitlement models for connected schedulers.
What factors are involved in usage reporting
How AAI reports usage is based on several factors:
The scheduler type of the originating scheduler
Usage on Broadcom and non-Broadcom schedulers are handled differently.
For a list of schedulers per scheduler type, see Which Schedulers Can AAI Integrate with? in Workload Automation / Scheduler Integration through Connectors.
The total number of job executions that are processed though AAI per scheduler type
This is the usage count. Executions are tallied daily and aggregated as needed for different reporting purposes.
Note:Because some jobs can execute a huge number of times in a day. AAI considers only the first 24 executions of a repeated job on any day.
Whether AutoSys and/or Automic Automation schedulers are also in use
This affects which SKU is reported against. These are the three SKUs that are used to report AAI usage:
ATSCLD990 AutoSys
AUTCLD990 Automic Automation
AAICLD990 AAI for Hybrid Cloud
How and what usage is reported
For usage tracking, all job executions from all connected schedulers are always tallied per scheduler and the totals are recorded in the AAI database. However, they are not reported the same way. The reported values and SKUs depend on the originating scheduler and whether you are using either Broadcom's AutoSys and/or Automic Automation. It works as follows:
For all Broadcom schedulers:
AAI always reports a value of zero (0) job executions, regardless of the true number of job executions from that scheduler that were processed through AAI. The 0 execution quantity is reported against SKUs as follows:
AutoSys against its SKU, ATSCLD990
Automic Automation against its SKU, AUTCLD990
All other Broadcom schedulers against the general AAI SKU, AAICLD990
For non-Broadcom schedulers (such as Airflow, IWS, Control-M, and so on):
The quantity of job execution quantities that are reported depends on whether you are also using AutoSys and/or Automic Automation. It works as follows:
When you are also using an AutoSys and/or an Automic Automation scheduler in your AAI instance:
Only one tenth (10%) of the total executions is reported
This 10% quantity is reported against the AutoSys or Automic Automation SKU (ATSCLD990 and AUTCLD990, respectively), whichever one of those had the highest number of monthly job executions within the last 12 months. (This highest value is also referred to as the high-water mark for the usage in the last 12 months.)
When you are not also using an AutoSys nor an Automic Automation scheduler in your AAI instance:
All job executions (100%) are reported.
The execution count is reported against the AAI SKU number AAICLD990.
AAI does not calculate charge amounts, it only reports the usage data against the appropriate SKUs. Charge amounts are based on each product's entitlement model and your PLA.
For a list of schedulers per scheduler type, see Which Schedulers Can AAI Integrate with? in Workload Automation / Scheduler Integration through Connectors.
Using the Product Usage Report
You can see the Product Usage Report for your AAI instance only online from the instance itself
To open the Product Usage Report, do the following:
In the navigation pane, click Settings.
Click Product Usage Reporting.
A table with the monthly total number of job executions that have been recorded for each scheduler type appears.
The Product Usage Reporting table can show the following data columns:
Period: The month that the jobs executed in. For months that have ended, the counts are the total for that month. For the current month, the counts are month-to-date counts.
Connector Type: The type of connector schedulers whose job executions are tallied in that row. They can be one of the following:
Broadcom Mainframe Engines
Broadcom Distributed Engines
Non-Broadcom Mainframe Engines
Non- Broadcom Distributed Engines
For a list of schedulers by scheduler type (connector type), see Which Schedulers Can AAI Integrate with? in Workload Automation / Scheduler Integration through Connectors.
Job Executions: This is the total number of job executions that were processed by AAI for all schedulers of the same connector type in the corresponding period.
Note:Because some jobs can execute a huge number of times in a day. AAI considers only the first 24 executions of a repeated job on any day.
Only job executions with a termination status on a particular day, that is, those with an end time, are counted for that day. The day is tracked in the UTC time zone.
Instances: The number of instances of that connector type that had job executions in the corresponding period (month)
You can sort the columns, show or hide them, and rearrange them as you want. For information, see Working with Tables (Web Interface). Sort on Period to see the most recent total executions per connector type. Sort by Connector Type to see the activity per scheduler type over time.
Usage Reporting Options
For Automation Analytics & Intelligence, the reporting options are:
How to Report Usage Data Automatically
As an administrator, you can configure telemetry during installation or upgrading or after installation/upgrade via the Configuration Tool.
When you install or upgrade the product, you are prompted to configure telemetry. You can edit these settings later via the Configuration Tool. Here you can indicate if the planned usage is under a Portfolio License Agreement (PLA). You can also indicate if you want to automatically send the telemetry data to Broadcom and, if so, enter the following information:
Company Domain (mandatory)
Enterprise Site ID (mandatory)
Internal Identifier (optional)
Optionally, you can send usage data via a proxy server. If you select this option, you enter the following:
Proxy URL
When you consent to send telemetry data, Automation Analytics & Intelligence sends the data at 12:00 am. If Automation Analytics & Intelligence is not active at 12:00 am UTC, the data is sent in the next day's run. The data is collected only once per day.
How to Use the Product Usage Collector
The Product Usage Collector (PUC) is an application for Windows or MacOS that is installed by the customer on a system that can access the product. The PUC alleviates the need for special firewall rules to access product licensed metrics, and does not require a dedicated system in your data center. For complete documentation on the PUC, see Product Usage Collector.
The PUC requires two different credentials:
Broadcom Okta credentials
Your account that has a Subscription Manager role on Use these credentials when you start PUC, to allow it to retrieve your SiteID, entitlements, and a list of product versions supporting PUC.
Product access credentials
The user name and password for each product for which you are reporting usage, see below.
Defining Product-Specific Information for the PUC
The PUC requires product-specific information to return the relevant data.
As an administrator, you make sure the following requirements are in place:
Make sure that telemetry is configured correctly in Automation Analytics & Intelligence.
On the Configuration Tool, define if the instance is subject to a PLA. When you use the PUC you do not have to send telemetry data automatically.
Provide the following data:
Company Domain (mandatory)
Enterprise Site ID (mandatory)
Internal Identifier (optional)
Save your changes.
The telemetry data for the products that you have added to AAI (licensed metrics) is generated automatically.
Save the credentials of the AAI instance in the configuration file of the PUC. Otherwise, the PUC cannot establish a connection to your environment.
You do not have to create a dedicated AAI user to report your usage data. You only have to make sure that the user reporting the data has permission to access the relevant schedulers.
How to Report Usage Data Manually
You can extract the telemetry data offline by using the Automic Automation Analytics & Intelligence REST API. It is found by using a date range. For example:
After you have pulled your data, submit it to Broadcom by using the Usage Reporting Portal.