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Administration Guide > Installation > New Installation > Installing the CallAPI for SAP

Installing the CallAPI for SAP

This document guides you through the new installation of a CallAPI for SAP.

AE supplies a CallAPI for SAP. You can use this interface to directly run AE Scripts from ABAP programs. The CallAPI is represented by an RFC Server that includes the function module "AE." You call this module directly from ABAP.

The CallAPI for SAP is available under UNIX and Windows.

A three-character code is assigned to each supported UNIX variant. This code appears in some file names and is described in the terminology (AP6 for AIX, for example). Throughout this document the specific code is replaced by "???."

Supplied Files

The files that belong to the CallAPI are provided in the subdirectories of the IMAGE:CallAPI\SAP. The subdirectory \SAMPLE contains examples. These examples are not platform-specific.

Technical Implementation

Diagram of the technical implementation


Putting into Operation

Note that a sound knowledge of  SAP's RFC technology is required put the RFC Server into operation.

1. Installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

If JRE is already available in the required version, you can skip this step.


Transferring the files



3. Installing the SAP Java Connector



Adjusting the INI file for the RFC Server program

Adjust the file ucxsapc.ini according to your environment. The sections [CP_LIST] and [RFC] are the essential parameters. The section [CP_LIST] contains the Automation Engine data. The section [RFC] determines the SAP Gateway to which the RFC Server registers.

 Example for the INI-file section [RFC]: 

/*  Register a RFC server program at a SAP gateway           */
/*          or connect to an already registered RFC server program   */

It is not required to use a new INI file with each new Automation Engine version. Just make sure to update your INI file. The relevant information is provided in the Release Notes, which are available in the manual Release Notes.  

5. Starting the RFC Server

The RFC Server can run as a service under Windows. In UNIX, you can either use the ServiceManager or start using the command nohup.

The RFC Server can be called with the Java Application Launcher using the following parameters (optional):  

File name Start parameter


ucxsapc.jar -IPath and file name Path and name of the INI file for the RFC Server

Outputs the Automation Engine version including the hotfix number in the following format:

"ucxsapc version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number"

  -VPath and file name

Outputs the Automation Engine version including the hotfix number to the file in the following format:

"ucxsapc version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number"

The following command-line call can be used to start the RFC Server:

java -jar ucxsapc.jar

Use the following command to start the RFC Server on a HP-UX platform (64 bit): 

java -d64 -jar ucxsapc.jar

5. Checking the registration in the SAP system

Start the transaction "SMGW" with SAPGUI or log on to the Gateway Monitor via Tools -> Administration -> System Monitoring -> Gateway-Monitor. Select Jump -> Registered Systems. The started server program should be shown in system type REGISTER_TP.

Example of an Overview

LU name   TP name   Host name       Host address      System type  Request
R31       sapgw00   R31      LOCAL_R3    16:33:07
wgntw13   uc4call   WGNTW13    REGISTER_TP 12:11:18
R31                 R31      REMOTE_GWY  10:25:14

6. Defining the RFC destination in the SAP system

Start the transaction "SM59" or log on via Tools -> Administration -> Management -> Network -> RFC Destination. Specify a TCP/IP connection:

If the SAP system consists of several application servers, the SAP Gateway on which the RFC Server registered should also be entered in the RFC destination. Otherwise, ABAP programs can only establish a connection if they run on the same application server as the one on which the RFC Server has registered.

Example of a TCP/IP connection

Test the connection using the button Test Connection.

Example of a test result

Connection type:   TCP/IP connection
Logon:             1,360 msec
0  KBytes:           264 msec
10 KBytes:            39 msec
20 KBytes:            62 msec
30 KBytes:            45 msec

A successful test result indicates that the CallAPI is ready for operation.

See also:

CallAPI for SAP