Application Integration Guide > ApplicationInterface > Using this Interface

Using this Interface

The classes and methods of the AE ApplicationInterface can be used as soon as the library has been integrated in your program.

Data between the program and the AE system is exchanged via "Requests". Keep in mind that you should establish a connection to the AE system and log on to a client, as otherwise requests cannot be sent or received.


The following steps are always required, regardless of how your program is used:

  1. Establish a connection to the AE system:
    Connection uc4 ="PC01", 2217);

  2. Log on to the AE system with a user:

  3. Any number of requests can be sent now (e.g., searching for an object). These requests are sent synchronously or asynchronously using the methods "sendRequestAndWait" and "sendRequest".
    uc4.sendRequest(WinJobs, Handle);
    Now access the request result (e.g., search result).

  4. Finally, terminate the connection

Requests are used for retrieving information from or executing an action in the AE system. The supplied package includes several examples which describe how the AE.ApplicationInterface is best used. Additionally, the documents shown below provide information about the most important classes.


See also:

Classes for Objects
Classes for Workflows and Schedules

Classes for Activities

Classes for Statistics and Reports

Classes for the System Overview