Setting Up an SMD File

The following document describes the Service Manager's definitions file (UC4.SMD by default) which defines the services that should be created automatically.

The definitions file contains all start parameters for the Automation Engine services. Each service is represented in its own line and starts with the keyword DEFINE. The individual start parameters are separated by semicolons, and commenting lines start with an exclamation mark.

This file is automatically adjusted when you make modifications in the ServiceManager dialog program. No manual intervention is required.


DEFINE Service; component INI file; Working directory [; -svc%port%] [; LOGON=(User name, Password, Domain )] [; Start1=() ; Start2=(); Start3=() etc.]




Service name.

You can also use blanks.


Path and file name of the Automation Engine program that should start.

You can use absolute or relative path specifications. "*OWN" means that the program must be listed in the directory of the calling ServiceManager.

Agents for SAP, JMX, databases and Rapid Automation require a Java call.
For example: java -jar ucxjr3x.jar

Java agents: Also specify the Java path because the ServiceManager under UNIX does not read all environment variables.
Example: /usr/java/latest/bin/java -jar ucxjsqlx.jar


Insert a blank between the parameters component and INI file.

INI file

File name of the INI file that should be used.

You can also specify an absolute or relative path (relative refers to the program that should be started).

Working directory

Working directory for the program that should start.

If the program to be started is a Java-based agent (SAP, Databases, JMX, Rapid Automation), the working directory must be the path to the JAR file.


Additional display option for server processes.

With this start parameter being specified, the ServiceManager dialog program displays the name of the server process and the number of connections in addition to the name of the service.


Login data for the AE program.

This parameter only applies for the ServiceManager on Windows.


Several start methods for a server process (WP).

START1=( name , command )
START2=( name , command )
START3=( name , command )

Name = The name of the start mode that you can define using the ServiceManager start parameter -sm.
Command = The complete start command of a WP (path and file name) including the start mode parameter(-parm).

To start the WP with a specific mode, you must append the following parameter:
The allowed values for StartMode= are "NORMAL" (regular start) and "COLD" (cold start).
The allowed values for SystemStop= are "NORMAL" (the client status remains the same) and "YES" (all clients are stopped).

For example:
The following is an extraxt of an SMD file that includes the definition of a service that you can use to start a WP with a different start mode.

VAR SRV_STARTPATH;*OWN\..\..\Server\bin

VAR WP_STARTCMD;*SRV_STARTPATH\UCsrvwp.exe *SRV_STARTPATH\ucsrv.ini -svc%port%



VAR WP_STARTCMD_COLDSTOP;*WP_STARTCMD -parm"StartMode=Cold;SystemStop=Yes"


You can structure variables to increase their readability because the individual lines can be very long.

For example: VAR name of the variable;value of the variable

The top part of the definitions file contains the variable definitions (for example, SRV_STARTPATH indicates the path where the Service Manager is located). Make sure that the variable paths comply with your installation destination.

The second part of the file lists the services that get added to the definitions file. These lines start with a DEFINE syntax followed by the destination, followed by the service. Keep in mind that the destination needs to match the destination defined in the INI file.

Within a DEFINE line, you can insert a variable by specifying a "*" followed by the variable name.

Example of an SMD File

! Variables
VAR SRV_PATH;*OWN\..\..\Server\bin\
VAR CP_STARTCMD;*OWN\..\..\Server\bin\UCsrvcp.exe *OWN\..\..\Server\bin\ucsrv.ini -svc%port%
VAR WP_STARTCMD;*OWN\..\..\Server\bin\UCsrvwp.exe *OWN\..\..\Server\bin\ucsrv.ini -svc%port%
VAR WP_START3;*WP_STARTCMD -parm"StartMode=COLD;SystemStop=YES"

! Server processes
DEFINE UC4 WP1;*WP_STARTCMD;*SRV_PATH;START1=(Coldstart,*WP_START1);START2=(Systemstop,*WP_START2);START3=(Coldstart with Systemstop,*WP_START3)

! Windows agents
DEFINE WIN01;*OWN\..\..\AgentWin\bin\UCXJWI3.exe;*OWN\..\..\AgentWin\bin\
DEFINE UC4MAIL;C:\AUTOMIC\Agents\win\bin\UCXJWI3.exe UC4MAIL.ini;C:\AUTOMIC\Agents\win\bin;LOGON=(uc4mail,­­10D888EA16FE7D2C0FE,)

! SAP agent
DEFINE SAP01;java -jar -Xrs -Xmx256M ucxjr3x.jar;*OWN\..\..\Agents\SAP\bin

See also:

ServiceManager - Dialog Program