XML Files of Queries

Queries are stored in the sub-folder "queries" in the form of XML files.

The utility generates the XML files. No manual adjustment is required for the entries.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

XML Declaration

<QUERY version="Automation Engine version">

Automation Engine version of the utility which created the query file

<file css="style sheet" type="format">report file</file>

Evaluation report

"style sheet" = directory and name of the style sheet that should be integrated in the HTML file

"format" = file format of the report
Allowed values: "HTML" and "CSV"

Report file = directory and name of the file in which the evaluation information is written. The directory must be an existing one.


Client in which the evaluation should be made


Maximum number of lines the report can have

Allowed values: "1" - "99999"

<source>query type</source>

Evaluation area

Allowed values: "DEFINITION", "FORECAST" and "STATISTIC"


Period for statistical and forecasting evaluations


Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD or the special value TODAY. If TODAY is used, the utility uses the latest date for report creation.

<offset>time range</offset>

Number of hours to be added to the date (forecasts) or subtracted from it (statistics). Therefore, this value includes an algebraic sign (+/-).


Ending of the XML element <reference>


Beginning of the elements about evaluation criteria

<include name="criterion" value="value" />

The individual evaluation criteria are listed as a value pair.


Ending of the XML element <selection>

<output order="order" sort="sorting">

Beginning of the elements for the output columns in the report

"order" - ascending or descending order
Allowed values: "ascending" and "descending"

"sorting" - column determining how elements are sorted

<field name="column" />

Output columns to be included in the report


Ending of the XML element <output>


Ending of the XML element <QUERY>

Example of a Query File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<QUERY version="11.0.0">
<file type="CSV">Output_SAPjobs.html</file>
<include name="OBJECT_TYPE" value="JOBS" />
<include name="JOB_TYPE" value="R3" />
<include name="OBJECT_NAME" value="*T01*" />
<output order="ascending" sort="OBJECT_NAME">
<field name="OBJECT_NAME" />
<field name="LOGIN" />
<field name="SAP_CLIENT" />
<field name="SAP_USER" />
<field name="MODIFIED_DATE" />
<field name="LAST_USE_DATE" />

See also:

Evaluations about Tasks in the AE system
Graphical Interface of the Reporting Tool

Creating Evaluation Reports

Start Parameters