Automation Engine SNMP Subagent for Windows

Structure of the File ucsnmp1.ini

Section/Parameter Description

SNMP community name.

Default value: "public"

The name is defined in the Masteragent. Enter the same community name in this parameter. The community-name setting is found in the SNMP service's properties.


Means of transport that should be used for the communication between Automation Engine and AE SNMP Subagent.

Possible value: "tcp" (default value), "pipe"

"tcp" - Communication via socket.
"pipe" - Communication via pipe.


Port number that the Automation Engine uses in order to connect to the AE SNMP Subagent.

Note that the same port number must be specified in the Automation Engine's INI-file parameter snmp= (section [TCP/IP]).


Mode of the AE SNMP Subagent.

Allowed value: "1", "2" and "3" (default value)

"1" - The MIB is loaded but traps are not sent.
"2" - The MIB is not filled, traps are sent.
"3" - The MIB is loaded and traps are sent.


Trace flag for the output of trace messages from the module that reads data from the MIB table and sends it to the network.
Allowed values: "0" to "9"
Default value: "1"

Trace flags must only be used in close cooperation with Automic Support.


Trace flag for the output of trace messages from the module that receives the information from the Automation Engine and stores it in the MIB table.

Allowed values: "0" to "9"
Default value: "1"

Trace flags must only be used in close cooperation with Automic Support.


Trace flag for the output of trace messages from the module that administers the MIB table.

Allowed values: "0" to "9"
Default value: "1"

Trace flags must only be used in close cooperation with Automic Support.


Path and name of the log file

The number signs serve as placeholders for a series in numerical order. When you start the AE SNMP Subagent, the log files are renamed so that the most current log file is always the one with the number "00".

By default, the log file is stored in the folder from which the AE SNMP Subagent starts.

INI-File Example



See also:

Notes for Configuration-File Adjustments