Starts and monitors a process running in a separate process network.

Transaction: -

SAP Banking Release: 4.63+






External process identification
Format: script literal


Name of ABAP program to be executed
Format: script literal


Name of an ABAP program variant
Format: script literal
Default value: ""


Prefix for process job names, maximum 18 characters
Format: script literal
Default value: ""

The names of jobs belonging to a process are generated from the specified prefix, the 10-digit RunID of the AE job and a specific 3-digit number.


Highest application return code for a process to end normally
Format: number
Default value: "0"

A process is considered to have ended normally up to the specified application return code. A higher application return code causes the AE job to be aborted.


Job logs are written to the AE report
Format: script literal

Allowed values: "YES" or "NO" (default value)

"NO" = Job logs are not written to the AE report
"YES" =  Job logs are written to the AE report


Process network name in which a process is running
Format: script literal
Default value: ""


This script element can be used to start and monitor processes. A particular process is encapsulated in a separate process network so that only this single process runs in this process network. This includes that the end of this process also ends the process network.

The priority of a process depends on the value specified in the job class which can be selected in the SAP tab of the job. The job class "C" is used by default.

This script element requires the parameters ID= and REPORT=.

All other parameters are optional. If the ABAP to be executed has no variant, you can either leave the parameter VARIANT= empty or omit it. If no prefix is specified for the job name, AE automatically generates job names in accordance with the template UC_JOB_<RunID(10)>_<unique_id(3)>. These unique job names facilitate access to job logs when the process has ended. If required, the logs can be written to the job report in order to be analyzed in detail. The process network name is also automatically generated by AE if the parameter NETWORK_ID= remains unused. It is structured in accordance with the template UC_NET_<RunID(10)>.

Script processing is continued when the process has ended normally. Process abortion results in the immediate abortion of the AE job.

Process and process network messages can be read from the application log using the script elements R3_GET_APPLICATIONLOG.  Messages are by default written to the AE report. As an alternative, they can also be written to a specified file.