The system checks whether the condition specified here is met and, if so, triggers the event defined in the Event Process page in the specified intervals.
You define DB Event objects on two pages:
Note that there are agents that do not support all options.
Section |
File Event
Depending on the condition you select for checking, the input fields and dropdown lists vary to allow you to define the appropriate values.
To Define the File Event Section
- In Path specify a drive, a path or a signature to which the monitoring should refer. Depending on the respective target system, you can indicate files, drives, volumes, paths, Generation Data Groups etc.
- In Check Condition select the condition that should be checked in the file system:
File size The agent converts the file size and the specified value into bytes so that both values can be compared. Number of files Used space Used memory or disk space Available space Available memory or disk space (BS2000) Filesystem space Free space of volumes (z/OS) or of a drive (Windows)
- File - available if you previously selected File size or Number of files. Specify what should be checked in the file:
The Include Sub-Directories checkbox is only available for VMS, UNIX and Windows agents.indicate whether One file must match or if All files must match when the comparison. If wildcard characters are used or sub-directories are included in the search, a file can be found several times. Define whether One file must match or if All files must match with the specified conditions.
Activating this option might affect the performance of your system negatively
- In Comparator select the operator to be used to evaluate the conditions.
- Specify the Value to which the selected check and operator refer.
Select the Unit with which the value will be measured. If the target system works with a different unit, it will be converted accordingly.
Select Use Agent specific if the measuring unit that is specified in the target system (such as PAM pages in BS2000) should be used.
This list is only available if relevant.
Time Parameters
You define event monitoring parameters in this section.
To Define the Time Parameters
In Frequency you have the following options to determine how often the event object should be activated:
It is activated only once.
It is activated periodically, depending on the setting you define below.
Repeat until first match
It is activated until the specified conditions applies.
In Check Frequency you specify when the event object will be activated:
Activate the In intervals of ... minutes to define a periodicity and enter or select the interval.
The First Check options are displayed, where you further configure when the intervals should begin:
The Event object becomes active for the first time upon its activation, regardless of the specified time interval.
After the first interval
The Event object becomes active for the first time after the expiration of the first time interval.
Activate At to define a specific time and enter it.
The If start time is later options are displayed, where you further configure when the event should be activated:
Activate immediately
If the Event object starts after the specified time, it becomes active immediately.
Wait for the next valid date
If the Event object starts after the specified time, it becomes active with the next valid date considering the calendar and time conditions you specify below.
Some of the settings specified here can be read at runtime. Script elements are used to access the attributes of this object.
Time and Date Conditions
These conditions are always checked and an event will only be triggered if at least one of them is met or if no condition has been defined here. The current date and time are used as reference. The Time Zone assigned to the event is considered as well. This means that activating an event and specifying a logical time does not make sense.
Time specifications are checked for full minutes, i.e. the ending time 23:59 hours lasts until 23:59:59. Hence, the event can also be triggered in the last 59 seconds.
To Define the Time and Date Conditions
- Click the first row to activate it and, in the Calendar column select an entry from the dropdown list.
- Select the Calendar Event you want to apply.
To edit a row you must first click its checkbox to activate it. You have then the following options:
To add/edit a row you must first click its checkbox to activate it. You have then the following options: Option | Description |

| Inserts a new row at the bottom of the table | 
| Deletes the row | 
| Removes the entry from the list and pastes it to the clipboard. Click Paste to add it to the bottom of the table. | 
| Duplicates the entry. Click Paste to add it to the bottom of the table. |  | Activates all rows in the table. |
See also: