Editing the Schedule Settings at Runtime
It is possible to modify most of the parameters you have defined for the Schedule object also while it is being executed. The only exceptions are periods and period turnarounds, which cannot be changed in active schedules. If you need to change them, you must restart the schedule.
After defining a Schedule object you may want to execute it and check how it works. If you need to modify start times, variable values or dependencies between tasks, you can do so also at runtime after it has been started and as long as it is in generation.
When you modify schedules or their tasks, upon saving the system performs validation checks in the background; if a task is active, it prompts you to confirm your changes.
- Click Yes if you want your changes to be applied from the next period turnaround onwards.
- Click No if you want to apply the changes only after restarting the schedule. This must be done manually.
Changes done this way are saved with the schedule object and are therefore permanent.
In some cases you may want to modify some settings and have them applied to only a particular execution of the schedule. You do this from the Process Monitoring perspective, either from the main page or from the schedule's last monitor. See Monitoring Schedules as well as .
See also: