Script Function: Subtracts a period from a specified date.


SUB_PERIOD ([Date Format:]Date, Period Format:Period[, Output Format] )




Indication of a date in the format "YYMMDD" or "YYYYMMDD".

Format: script literal or script variable

It is also possible to specify a different date format. Do so by entering the required date format, then enter a separator (: or ;) and afterward the date. Indicating a date format is optional.

Period Format:Period

Format: script literal or script variable.

Period: Specification of a period to be subtracted from the specified date.
Period Format: Format guidelines for the Period.

Use a colon (:) or semi colon (;) as a separator between the Period Format and the Period .

Output Format

Format guidelines for the determined date.
Format: AE name, script literal or script variable
Default value: "YYMMDD"  

Return code

Date in the specified format


This script function subtracts years, months, quarters or weeks from a specified date.

A date is assigned to this script function. Optionally, you may specify a particular Date Format. The default Date Formats to be used are "YYMMDD" or "YYYYMMDD". A colon or semicolon may be used as a separator between Date Format and Date.

The Period is subtracted from the specified Date. The Period may be any number. An error will occur if the result is a date which dates before the year 0000.

Output Format is an optional parameter. This script function returns a date in the default format "YYMMDD" if Output Format has not been specified.

Keep this in mind when subtracting years, quarters and months.


The first example subtracts two weeks from 07/5/2000. The result (21.06.2000) is output in the report.

:SET &DATE#=SUB_PERIOD ("DD.MM.YY:05.07.00","WW;2","DD.MM.YYYY")

The second example subtracts a quarter from 07/31/2000. The result (30-04-2000) is output in the report.

:SET &DATE#=SUB_PERIOD ("000731","Q:1","DD-MM-YYYY")

In the third example, a year is subtracted from 02/28/2001. 28.02.2000 is output in the report.

:SET &DATE#=SUB_PERIOD ("20010228","YY:0001",DD.MM.YYYY)

See also:

Script Elements - Date and Time

Date, Time and Period Formats

About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script Elements - Listed by Function