Managing ILM Partitions

During the daily operation of an Automation Engine system, large amounts of reporting, statistical and historical data accumulate. Partitioning the database with ILM is an efficient method to deal with this and maintain the object version as well as the deleted object data. It allows you to store data in different logical areas in the database according to the start time of the object, to define the intervals in which the partitions should change, etc.

The ILM page is available in client 0000 only.

This topic provides information on the following:


The lists of ILM Partitions and their History are available if you have installed and configured ILM and if your user definition has been granted privileges to ILM Actions.

For an overview of how to install and configure it as well as examples, see Maintaining Data Records with ILM.


With ILM it is possible to partition 5 areas of the Automation Engine database and to define specific partitioning settings per area, namely

The number of online partitions depends on the settings specified in UC_ILM_SETTINGS - Settings for Partitioning with ILM and is displayed on the toolbar accordingly. Only one partition is active, namely the latest one.

The Partitions list provides their details and allows you to manage them.

The Partitions list provides the following information:

Column Description

Whether the partition is active () or inactive ().

The active partition in always the newest, that is, the one with the highest Partition No. It has no Max. RunID since new activations still occur.

Partition No.

Running number of the partition, which is provided by the Automation Engine. The highest number is the active one.

Staging tables (MS SQL Server) always have the partition number "0".


It is possible to partition 5 table areas in the database; the Parent is the schema name (MS SQL Server) or the corresponding main table of the Automation Engine database (Oracle).

Filegroup / Tablespace Name of the Filegroup (MS SQL Server) or the tablespace (Oracle) where the data is stored.
Starttime Time at which the partition has started to store data.
Min. RunID

Smallest RunID available in the partition, that is, the RunID of the first task that has been stored on it.

Max. RunID Highest RunID available in the partition, that is, the RunID of the last task that has been stored on it.
Rowcount Number of data records available in the partition.

The partition has been checked and no active tasks have been found.

Partitions can be checked manually (right-click a partition and select Check Partition) or they occur automatically before a partition change.

Searching for Partitions

In large installations you may have many partitions. A search box is available on the toolbar that helps you find specific records:

The search is not context sensitive.

Start typing your text string in the search box. The application starts displaying possible matches as you type.

Starting/Stopping ILM

The UC_ILM_SETTINGS - Settings for Partitioning with ILM variable determines when it should be changed from a partition to the next. When you click the Start ILM button on the toolbar, you activate ILM; this means that the server will change to a new partition at the time specified in the variable.

Conversely, if you click the Stop ILM button, ILM partitioning is deactivated altogether. This means that from that moment onwards no partition changes will take place.

Checking a Partition

Checking whether active tasks are still available in a partition is a prerequisite to be able to switch it out. This is important because when you switch it out, the data contained in it is no longer available; if you need them again in the future, you will have to restore the partition.

Right-click the partition on the list and select Check Partition. This opens Check Partition list displaying its tasks and their details in a new tab:

Right-click a task to open a context-menu providing the following options:

Switching Out/Dropping a Partition

Partitions that have been checked (that is, that do not contain any active tasks) are switched out/dropped automatically according to the parameters specified in the UC_ILM_SETTINGS variable. A switch-out is always made for the oldest partition. However, it is also possible to do it manually.

Right-click on the Partitions list and select Switch out Partition (MS SQL) or Drop Partition (Oracle) if you want that partition to go offline. This removes the data records available in the partition from your system.

These options are only available for checked partitions, which are indicated by a tick in the Checked column.

Make a backup of your data before switching out/dropping a partition. This way, if you need them later on, you can restore the partition and check your data in the ILM History page.

Make sure to shut down the JCP running the AE REST web service before performing any ILM action.

See also: