
The Database sub-page in the Administration perspective provides information about the database in use.


The Database sub-page is part of the Automation Engine Management page in the Administration perspective.

It provides an overview of database relevant information, like type, version, or driver version. It also shows the database MQ tables' message queues counter. Details find below.

Where to find the page:

You have access to theAdministration Perspective only if your user definition has the required privileges.

  1. Open the Administration perspective in your AWI.
  2. In the Navigation pane on the left find the Automation Engine Management page.
  3. Click its tab to expand the sub-entries, find the Database sub-page and click its tab to open it.

Information provided

The page is divided into two sections, General and Current MQ-Records. The table below gives a short description of the information visible.

The section General is dedicated to database information. The section Current MQ-Records provides details about the message queues counter in the MQ tables of your database.

Use the Refresh button to the right-hand side of the toolbar to update the information displayed.


DBMSName Database
Version Database version
DriverName Name of the driver
DriverVersion Version of the driver
DriverODBCVersion Version of the ODBC driver
DBName Name of the AE database
ODBCConnString Connection string to the AE database
InitialData Version Version of initial data
Current MQ Records Number of queued messages
MQPWP Message queue of the primary work process
MQWP Message queue of the work processes
MQDWP Message queue of the dialog processes
MQMEM Message queue for current activations
MQOWP Message queue for outputs
MQRWP Message queue for resource calculations

See also: