Defining TIME Event Objects

You define TIME Events to trigger tasks based on the time conditions you define on this page. If they are met, the actions that you define on the Event Process page are carried out. These actions are usually the execution of further objects. TIME Events are in Sleeping status as long as the frequency and time conditions are not met and change to Active when they are.

You can use the following functions of the Automic scripting language to retrieve relevant data for the Event object:

You define DB Event objects on two pages:

To Define TIME Event Conditions

  1. Define the Event Process Activation:

    1. In Frequency select the option that determines how often the event object should be activated:

      • Once

        It is activated only once.

      • Repeatedly

        It is activated periodically, depending on the setting you define below.

    2. In Activate indicate when the Event object should be activated. The options available here depend on the frequency you have selected:


      • Immediately - it is activated as soon as it is started.
      • After - enter the number of minutes after starting that you want the event to wait before activating it.
      • At - define a specific time. If you choose this option you can indicate when the event should be activated in case it is started after this time:
        • Immediately
        • Wait for the next valid date - it becomes active with the next valid date considering the calendar and time conditions you specify below


      Specify when the event should be activated. The options are:

      • In intervals of ... minutes to define a periodicity.

      • At to define a specific time.

      In either case, in First Activation you must then define when the Event object becomes active for the first time, the options being:

      • Immediately
      • After the first interval, that is after the expiration of the first time interval.
    3. Depending on your selection in Activate, you specify one of the following:

      First Activation

      • Immediately
      • After the first interval

      If start time is later

      • Activate immediately
      • Wait for the next valid date
  2. Define the Time and Date Conditions.

    These conditions are always checked and an event will only be triggered if at least one of the them is met or if no condition has been defined here. The current date and time are used as reference. The Time Zone assigned to the event is considered as well. This means that activating an event and specifying a logical time does not make sense.

    1. Click the first row to activate it and, in the Calendar column select an entry from the dropdown list.
    2. Select the Calendar Event you want to apply.
    3. To edit a row you must first click its checkbox to activate it.

      To add/edit a row you must first click its checkbox to activate it. You have then the following options:



      Inserts a new row at the bottom of the table

      Deletes the row

      Removes the entry from the list and pastes it to the clipboard. Click Paste to add it to the bottom of the table.

      Duplicates the entry. Click Paste to add it to the bottom of the table.
      Activates all rows in the table.

    Time specifications are checked for full minutes, i.e. the ending time 23:59 hours lasts until 23:59:59. Hence, the event can also be triggered in the last 59 seconds.

  3. Switch to the Event Process Page.

Next steps:

Define the Actions that the Event will Trigger

You do this on the Event Process Page.

Execute the Event Object

The execution of an Event object usually triggers the execution of other objects; those objects may in turn trigger the execution of further tasks. In the Process Monitoring perspective on the various lists of Executions related to the Event object, the tasks resulting from these executions are displayed as children of the Event and are flagged with a special tag type, namely !EVNT. This way you can easily check which executions were triggered by a specific Event.

See Monitoring Events for details on how the Event Monitor works as well as Execution Data for information on Execution data.

Event objects can be included in Schedule Objects (JSCH) and thus be executed automatically at predefined times and/or intervals. Likewise, they can be part of workflows (see Workflow Overview).

Of course, you can also manually execute, restart or stop them. For details see Executing Event Objects.

If you want to check the number of times the system checked the Event, go to the Check count section on its Details.

Monitor the Event

Immediately after executing the object you can start monitoring it. Right-click it to select Monitoring and open the pre-filtered list of tasks to display this one. See Monitoring.

In the Process Monitoring perspective you can then follow their progress and access the reports and statistical information associated to them.

Active Events can be canceled (they assume then the Abend/manually canceled status), quitted (they end cleanly with Ended_OK status) or suspended (this keeps the Event active but temporarily disabled).

See Working with Tasks, particularly Stopping and Interrupting.

See also: