Global Search

Whether you want to search for an object, a task, a dashboard or an ARA entity, the fastest way to do it is via the global search. Type your search string (the name of the object or the RunID of the task you are searching for); a dropdown list displays a selection of the results and information on the total number of items found. It also provides quick links to the complete list of results and access to all functions available for the objects/tasks/Release Automation & Release Planner entities displayed on the dropdown list. The Global Search box is also the entry point for the Advanced Object Search.

This topic provides information on the following:

Starting an Object/Task/Entity Search

You find the Global Search box on the right corner of the menu bar. A popup window is displayed that allows you to access the Advanced Object Search or that takes you to the list of Tasks in the Process Monitoring perspective and Entities in the Release Automation and Release Planner perspectives, where you can search for tasks using the filter:

Here you enter the name of the object/task/entity or the runID of the task that you are searching for. If you use the name as search criterion, you can enter either the complete name or part of it.

By default, the Global Search function uses implicit wildcards at the beginning and at the end of the string you enter. For example, entering DB_BACKUP actually triggers the search for *DB_BACKUP*; results such as

will be suggested in the dropdown list. Of course, you can also use wildcard characters (* and ?).

The number of results that is displayed is defined in the MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS parameter in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable for each client. The default is 5, the maximum is 50. See UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS - Various Client Settings.

We recommend keeping this setting at 5 since the dropdown list does not provide a scroll bar if the number of results is large.

The ARA search may not be initialized after a fresh installation if there are no ARA objects in the system. To enable the search function, execute the admin-cli.exe(Tools > ARA > Utilities > AdminCLI) and run "index". (Administrator rights are required)

Object Found and Displayed on the Dropdown List

If the object you are searching for is available on the dropdown list, do one of the following:

Exporting objects directly from the dropdown list is possible, however, importing them is not.

Object Not Found

There are two main reasons why you might not find the object you are searching for immediately:

Object Search Results Depending on User Authorizations

The results of the search depend on your object/folder authorizations.

When searching for an object you must have at least read rights to the folder in which it is located, otherwise you will not be able to find it. If you have read rights to a folder, the results of the search will display all the objects contained in it, even in the case the authorizations specified for those objects restrict their access. The authorization attributes defined at object level are evaluated as soon as you try to interact with the object. This is why you may find objects for which you do not have read rights but you will not be able to either open or edit.

See Granting Users/User Groups Authorizations to Folders/Objects and Assigning Release Automation Folder Authorizations for information on how to set user and user group rights to objects and entities in order to avoid such situations.

If you need to change user/user group authorizations to get the desired search results, please take into account that it might take a few minutes until the updated authorizations are reflected in the object search.

Searching for Tasks

You can search for tasks using their names, part of their names or their runIDs.

Task Found and Displayed on the Dropdown List

If the task you were searching for is available in the dropdown list, you can click it to open the complete list of its Executions in the Process Monitoring perspective. See Execution Data.

You can also right-click it; this opens a context-menu displaying the same options as in the Process Monitoring perspective. Which ones are available to you depends on your rights and privileges. See Working with Tasks

Task NOT Displayed on the Dropdown List

Depending on the configuration in MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS, it can happen that the list does not show the task you are searching for. In this case, click the Show All Results link on the header of the Tasks section:

This opens the list of Tasks in the Process Monitoring perspective, where a filter is automatically set using the search string as Task Name.

See also: