Installing the Backend

To install the Analytics Backend, follow the steps below.

To install the Backend

  1. Unzip the content of the deployment package (Analytics.On.Premise_Analytics.Backend_ .zip) into the folder where you want to run the Backend (for example: C:\Automic\AnalyticsBackend\).

    Package content:

  2. Create a jdbc folder, for example: <automic>/analytics/backend/jdbc.
  3. Copy the correct JDBC driver to the jdbc folder, this will enable you to connect to an AE source database:

    ./jdbc/sqljdbc4.jar (mssql)
    ./jdbc/ojdbc7.jar (oracle)
    ./jdbc/db2jcc-4.jar (DB2)

  4. Rename the file to

    Note: Open the application.propertiesconfiguration file and adopt the settings for the Analytics Datastore.

    Important! The Analytics Datastore username and password are case sensitive, therefore lower case values should always be used.

  5. Add the Datastore connection (last lines from executing the setup.psql script).

  6. Set the database connection to the AE database as described ( CDA is not required).

    A read-only user for Oracle the schema must be specified. Create a text file in the analytics Backend directory.

    Automation Engine schema.sql with the following content: ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=automic. This will set the schema to automic while still using the configured db username and password. Enable the following setting in the datasource.AE.schema=file:AE_schema.sql

    Important! Some versions of Oracle the user name and password are case sensitive.

    Use a read-only user for DB2 the schema must be specified. Create a text file in the analytics Backend directory, name it AE_schema.sql for example. Ensure that you add the exact content in the text file: SET SCHEMA=automic. This will set the schema to "automic" while retaining the previously configured db username and password. Enable the following setting in the file: datasource.AE.schema=file:AE_schema.sql

Configuring the Security Mechanism for a DB2 Datasource

  1. The security mechanism can be set by using the additional_properties configuration of the datasource.

    Specify additional datasource properties using the following syntax:<datasource>.additional_properties[<property>]=<value>

    Example for enabling encrypted user and password:



    encryptionAlgorithm 2 is AES

    More information:

    Note: To load additional security libraries, place them in the <automic>/analytics/backend/jdbc directory.

  2. Configure a server port on the host that is dedicated for the Backend and the Datastore.

    See, Example Configuration:

    Note: To encrypt a Postgresql-DB password use the UCYBCRYP.EXE program. See Encoding Passwords.

  3. Configure the System (AE installation system name) and CP (system IP and port) parameter in the ucxedda.ini file.


  4. The analytics-backend.jar has to be passed to a Java process. Assuming Java 1.8 is installed and executable via the "java" command, the following line executed in a command shell (both Windows and Linux) will start the Backend:

    java -Xmx2g -Xms512m -XX:+UseG1GC -jar analytics-backend.jar

    Note: This command only works when executed in the bin directory of the analytics-backend.

  5. Verify that the Analytics Backend is running. Connect to configured port (server.port) from the host where AWI is installed.

    Note: You can use a Web browser to open the Backend (use curl or wget to execute a request in Linux)


    GET http://my-analytics-backend-url:8090/analytics/api/v1


    HTTP Status 401 is expected as no API key was provided with the request.

    More information: Analytics REST API - General Info

    For a single-box installation, you can use localhost instead of my-analytics-backend-url.

    GET http://localhost:8090/analytics/api/v1

    Note: If a timeout, aborted, or a Status 500 is displayed, consult the analytics-backend.log in the temp folder.

  6. To ensure that the Analytics Backend is running even after a reboot, configure the Service Manager to start the Analytics Backend.

    Note: You must have Service Manager installed as part of your installation. If you do not have Service Manager installed, see the following links: ServiceManager, Start Parameters - ServiceManager.

  7. Add the Backend to the Service Manager SMD file

    If you have installed Service Manager open the uc4.smd file found here :


    Using your defined directory path, add a DEFINE ANALYTICS-BACKEND line as shown in the example below:

    DEFINE ANALYTICS-BACKEND;/opt/automic/External.Resources/JRE/jre1.8.0_101/bin/java -jar analytics-backend.jar;/opt/automic/Automation.Platform/Analytics/backend

  8. Adding the Backend to the Service Manager SMC file

    Open the uc4.smc file found here:


    Insert the following two lines (in bold) and close and restart the service manager:

    WAIT 10
    WAIT 3
    WAIT 14

    Note: If you would like to secure the Backend, see: Securing the Backend

Example Configuration:

Parameter Value (Example) Remark jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/analytics?tcpKeepAlive=true The value must be the JDBC connection string to your Analytics Datastore database analytics

The value must be the user name to connect to the Analytics Datastore database

Note: You have created the user during the installation of the Analytics Datastore. analyticsPW The password for the user configured in spring.datasource.username
server.port (listening) 8090 Set the HTTP server port for the Analytics Backend Tomcat webserver