Working with CDA Entities as Code

As an Application Developer, you can use the existing REST API features and JSON schemas to create, update and transfer CDA entities between multiple clients. To do so, you update the serialized content of CDA in a code editor and stage and version the changes with a version control system (for example: GIT).

The Automation as Code functionality allows you to:

This page includes the following:


Watch the video about how to work with CDA and CA CDD entities as code:

Working with CDA Entities as Code

Note: The Automation as Code functionality requires a code editor to modify the entities. In this section, VisualStudio Code is used to perform the necessary steps. You can work with the code editor of your preference (for example, Notepad ++, Eclipse, Postman and so on).

  1. Install a text editor on your computer (for example: VisualStudio Code).
  2. Integrate the REST client to directly export and import CDA Applications and its related entities. The REST Response can be saved within the GIT repository, where you can create new versions and manage your Applications in JSON format.

    To integrate the REST client in VS Code, search for "REST" in the Extension marketplace and download the VS Code REST-Client extension. Install it to directly interact with the Automic REST API within the VS Code editor.

  3. Integrate GIT with your code editor to version and stage your changes.

    Tip: Create a folder to store all your requests and template files. If you are using GIT, you can also add this folder to your GIT repository.

    To do so, enter the following commands in VisualStudio Code:

    mkdir cda_automation_as_code

    cd cda_automation_as_code

    git init

    A new cda_automation_as_code folder is created. In this folder we will save the CDA JSON Application file we want to edit.

  4. Open the folder and create a readme file (

  5. Check out an Application using the Rest Client. To do so, create a new rest file (for example:
  6. Add the following content to the file:

    GET http://localhost/api/data/v1/applications

    Authorization: Basic 100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC AUTOMIC

    VS Code recognizes this as a REST API request and displays a Send Request button. You can now export and import CDA entities within the VS Code without having to switch to another tool. The REST Response can be saved within the GIT repository, where you can create new versions and manage your Applications as .json.

  7. To add more than one request within a file, write three hashes '###' above each command. Example:

    ### Retrieve all workflows

    GET http://localhost/cda/api/data/v1/workflows HTTP/1.1

    Authorization: Basic 100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC automic

    Now you can export and import CDA entities within your code editor.

Important! In addition to the calls, you can also specify variables to define the credentials and frequently used parameters at the top of the project.

# Connection parameters

@endpoint = localhost:80/cda


@owner = "100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC"


The following examples of API calls are used to retrieve all applications from the repository, and export and import a specific Application:

# Retrieve all applications

GET http://{{endpoint}}/cda/api/data/v1/applications

Authorization: Basic 100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC automic


### Duplicate existing application including components

POST http://{{endpoint}}/api/data/v1/applications/573/duplicate HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: {{token}}


"target_application": "DemoApp_v4",

"target_owner": {{owner}}



# Export Application

GET http://{{endpoint}}/cda/api/data/v1/applications/DemoApp

Authorization: Basic 100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC automic


# Import Application (json file below needs to be adapted)

POST http://{{endpoint}}/cda/api/data/v1/applications HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Basic 100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC automic

< jpetstore.json

The following examples of API calls are used retrieve all workflows and a single one:

### Retrieve all workflows

GET http://{{endpoint}}/cda/api/data/v1/workflows HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Basic 100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC automic


### Retrieve single workflow

GET http://{{endpoint}}/cda/api/data/v1/workflows/13562 HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Basic 100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC automic
