Installing the Clean-Up Utility, Admin CLI and the CDA Dashboard

Clean-Up Utility

Tip: Save the Clean-Up Utility in the following folder: C:\Automic\Release.Manager\Utilities

  1. Copy the DB-Cleanup.exe file to a machine which has access to the CDA database server.
  2. Configure the clean-up utility according to your needs.

    See :Configuring the DB-Cleanup.exe.config File

Admin CLI

The CLI is stored in the Utilities Folder (Automic\Release.Manager\Utilities\AdminCLI) of your installation package.

Note: If not present: download/unpack and copy the utilities to your utilities folder (for example: c:\Automic\Utilities\)

CDA Dashboard

The CDA dashboard can be manually installed by importing the ARA.DASH.DEFAULT.xml file (located in the \Release.Manager\AE folder) into the correct AE-client. To import the xml, you can use the Automation Engine import function. For more information, see Importing/Exporting Objects and Working with Dashboards.

Note: The Access to Dashboard privilege must be assigned to the users to whom you want to grant access to dashboards. For more information, see Setting Up Dashboards.

Next step:

CDA Installation Check and Post-Installation Tasks