Working with Autoforecast

Autoforecasts are created either manually in the Process Monitoring perspective or via the AUTOFORECAST script function, see AUTOFORECAST. You can (re)calculate forecasts (a prerequisite for autoforecasts) as well as filter the outcome of the calculation for a better overview of the results.


This page includes the following:

The Autoforecast List

The Autoforecast list in the Process Monitoring perspective contains all your autoforecast data. You can also use the Filter button on the toolbar to filter the data and get a tailored forecast for the Agents, tasks or time frames you are interested in.

Tip: You can share filtered lists with other users. You can also bookmark the filtered list to be able to access it quickly next time. For more information, see Bookmarking and Sharing Links.

You can also export the data as a .CSV file, see Exporting Tables to CSV.

Use the Details panel to learn more about each forecasted task. The details inform you, for example, about the estimated start and end times or about its status. The information displayed varies depending on type and status of the task.

Autoforecast Cache

Before working with the autoforecast, it is important to check the status of the cache. The status is displayed below the page caption. There are two options:

(Re)Calculating the Autoforecast Cache

By (re)calculating the forecast cache you can update or create the prediction data used by the autoforecast. Use this feature if the data is either outdated or non-existent.

  1. In the Process Monitoring perspective, open the Forecasts tab and select Autoforecast.

  2. Select the Recalculate button on the toolbar.

    This creates forecast records for the number of days that are defined in the AUTO_FORECAST_DAYS key in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable, see AUTO_FORECAST_DAYS.

  3. When you are prompted to confirm your actions, select Recalculate to continue.

    The system notifies you when your forecast cache calculation has started. Refresh the Autoforecast list to see the scheduled tasks or check the message console for errors in the forecast calculation. If the status of the autoforecast item is not Preparing anymore, the autoforecast calculation has ended.

Tip: If you have many scheduled objects, recalculate the forecast cache during off-peak times using a scheduled script which invokes the AUTOFORECAST function, see AUTOFORECAST. Reducing the value of the AUTO_FORECAST_DAYS key can also speed up the creation of your autoforecast cache.

See also: