PromptSets Tab

If you insert an object that has PromptSets in a Workflow, you can specify whether you want to interrupt the Workflow for users to populate the PromptSet fields or not. If you do not want the Workflow to stop, you specify on this tab the PromptSet values that should be used; this way, no user input is required at runtime.

When applicable, you can use variables to populate the PromptSet fields.

Expressions and Evaluated Values

You can insert the properties/variables to be applied in the variable picker dialog or, alternatively, type them directly in the input field of the PromptSets. In both cases you can see the correct and evaluated values.

Note: global values are generated at runtime.

To insert a variable

  1. Click the variable icon ({&}). The Insert Variable dialog is displayed.
  2. Select a variable from the list.
  3. Click Select.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Hit enter or click once outside the dialog to see the changes.


Evaluation Settings

Click the Change Settings button to select a different Package, Workflow, Profile or Target.

Note: The evaluation settings have to be defined only once. To reuse these settings in other Actions, whether in this or in other Component Workflows used in the Application Workflow, open their corresponding PromptSet tabs and click Refresh. The new evaluation settings will be automatically applied for every new Action dropped to the editor (no "refresh" needed).

Important! The changes made to the evaluation settings at Component level are persisted to the user profile.

For more information, see Evaluation Settings.

See also: