Admin Command-Line Interface for CDA Server

All system configuration tasks are executed via a windows command-line interface (admin-cli.exe). Path: Automic\Release.Manager\Utilities\AdminCLI. The program does not connect to the product database directly, but communicates with a web service on the application server that executes the logic. No other files are required to run the CLI. Administrators can easily distribute it to all machines where administrative access is required.


General Information

You are prompted for the connection URL, the user name, and the password to establish a stateful session with the server (like a plsql prompt). In the prompt, you can call all functions without having to pass the -con, -usr, and -pwd parameters.

The CLI is stored in the Utilities Folder (Automic\Release.Manager\Utilities\AdminCLI) of your installation package.

Note: If not present: download/unpack and copy the utilities to your utilities folder (for example: c:\Automic\Utilities\)

Important! Errors are written to the log file.


admin-cli.exe delete -mt "DeploymentTarget" -ct "MyCustomType" -con http://theARAServer/ara -usr 100/ARAADMIN/AUTOMIC -pwd xxx

Global parameters

Return codes

Each call to the CLI returns with one of the following codes.