Minimal Downtime Upgrade

As a system administrator, you use the Minimal Downtime Upgrade (MDU) wizard to upgrade your system from the Automic Web Interface. There is no need for scripting or use of AE internal components. It is available only in Client 0.

The Minimal Downtime Upgrade is a special function in the Automation Engine meant to enable system upgrades between major or minor versions without closing down the AE system. You can use this function to upgrade between all maintained versions.

It is recommended to use a test environment before installing upgrades on your production system.

Important! It is not possible to carry out a Centralized Agent Upgrade parallel to a Minimal Downtime Upgrade.

If you need help, contact our support team. Our consultants are experts in upgrading AE systems and will be pleased to assist you whenever it is necessary. For more information, see Support.

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