Keyboard Shortcuts

Note: This feature is not available for the Release Automation perspective.

Use keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse to perform actions more quickly. There are three types of shortcuts:

The key combinations are displayed next to the corresponding options in the context menus.

Enabling Keyboard Shortcuts

By default, the keyboard shortcuts are enabled. To disable them, do the following:

  1. Open the Settings dialog:

    1. Expand the dropdown menu at the top right corner of the menu bar.
    2. Select Settings.
  2. In the General pane activate the Disabled option in the Keyboard Shortcuts section.

List of Keyboard Shortcuts

The following list indicates the key combinations that are available in the system. The list is thematically grouped.

Browser shortcuts are in italics. Shortcuts that are specific to Automic Automation are in bold.








Workflow Editor /Monitor - Switching Modes

Workflow Editor/Monitor and Script Editor

Zooming (Workflow Editor/Monitor)

Script Editor

See also: