Exporting Tables to CSV

You can export entities in CSV format.

This page includes the following:

You can export the main lists of the following entities: Package, Deployment Target, Environment, Application, Component, Reservation, Workflow and the lists with related objects on:

  • Package: Components, Related Modules
  • Environment: Reservations
  • Application: Components, Workflow, Related Modules

The Export to CSV button is displayed on every view. The CSV will include all available values (not only those which are displayed).

Note: Paging in the view is not considered for CSV export. The exported CSV file contains the values of all pages in the grid as long as the limit of exported entities is not exceeded.


If filters are applied in the view, they are also considered on CSV export so that the exported entities are the same as the displayed entities on all pages.

Order of Entities

The exported entities are ordered by their internal ID. The order of entities in the CSV file might be different from the order in the view, changing the order in the view has no effect on the exported CSV file.

Limit of Exported Entities

A limit for exported entities in CSV can be configured, so that a CSV file does not get too large if a high number of entities exist in the system. If the number of exported entities exceeds the number of allowed entities, the button is grayed out.

If you enable filters and the number of entities is lower than the defined limit, the button is enabled.