Creating an ODBC Data Source

You can create an ODBC data source for 64 bit on a server computer, admin computer or user computer according to the following instructions. Call the appropriate system program via the control panel. If this program is not available install it from the SQL Server CD.

Important! Set the SQL cursor (1st digit=S) or to activate MarsConnection in the INI file parameter for the ODBC access (SQLDRIVERCONNECT= ) in the particular component (Automation Engine, utility). Otherwise, the SQL Server database can only process one command at at time, which results in the following error:
U0003590 DB error: 'SQLExecDirect', 'ERROR ', 'HY000', 'Connection is busy with results for another command'

It is possible to create the data source as a User DSN (user specific) or as a System DSN (once for all users of this computer). However, it is best to create it as System DSN.

Follow the ODBC Data Source Administrator wizard to create the data source as System DSN.


Potential problems:

See also:

Automation Engine Database