Working with Dashboards

You access the functions available to dashboards either using the toolbar or right-clicking a dashboard on the My Dashboards or Public Dashboards tab to open a context menu.

This page includes the following:

Setting the Home Dashboard

Right-click the dashboard name on the My Dashboards or Public Dashboards tab and select Set as Home Dashboard. From now on, this is your home dashboard, that is, it is displayed when you click the home icon on the menu bar.

Duplicating Dashboards

You can make a copy of a dashboard to use it as a base for a new one with different settings and widgets.

  1. Right-click the dashboard on the left pane and select Duplicate. The Duplicate dialog is displayed.
  2. The system suggests the name of the original dashboard adding a number. Change it if necessary.

    If you do not specify a title, the name will be displayed on the left pane.

  3. Optionally, in Title enter an alternative name for the dashboard. If you do so, the title and not the name is displayed on the left pane.
  4. Select the Folder where you want to store the dashboard.
  5. Click OK.

Deleting Dashboards

Right-click the dashboard and select Delete. This permanently deletes the dashboard. If this is a public dashboard, it will be removed from everyone's list.

Sharing the Content of a Dashboard

It is possible to share the content of a dashboard. Since this function does not require login, it can be used to share it with people without access to the Automic Web Interface.

To Share the Content of a Dashboard

  1. Click the Share button in the toolbar. The Share <dashboard name> dialog is displayed.
  2. Activate the Allow public access to this dashboard checkbox. A link to the current Dashboard is created, which can be manually added to any form of written communication, for example e-mail, documents, SharePoint, wiki, etc...
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.


Selecting the Data Source of a Dashboard

This allows you to reload the data used in all Widgets in the current Dashboard.

To Select the Data Source of a Dashboard

  1. Click the Data source button in the toolbar. The Data source dialog is displayed.
  2. From the Data source dropdown list select the type of data you want to load.

    Workflows and Application Deployments are only available if the CDA plugin is installed.

  3. Select the Timeframe. You can select a time range, a certain number of days or a period of time (day, week, month, year).
  4. Optionally, add a criterion or a group of criteria to the query in order to filter down the data to be loaded. You can filter by attribute, logical operators or by a numeric value. If no criterion is selected, all existing values in the selected time frame will be loaded.

  5. Click Apply to reload the data source according to the options selected.

See also: