FILELIST VARA objects obtain the file names of a particular directory as its values. Specifying an Agent is mandatory. On Windows agents, the file names are sorted in ascending order. On UNIX agents, the file names are unsorted.
Important! FILELIST VARA objects contain only one column (as opposed to SQL, SQL-internal and Multi). Keep this in mind when using the script element GET_PROCESS_LINE. There is no result column.
PromptSet variables are supported in select fields for BACKEND, EXEC, FILELIST, SEC_SQLI, SEC_SQL, SQLI, SQL, and XML variable types. Using PromptSet variables is necessary when using the Dynamic Reload (Combobox Prompts) feature.
This page includes the following:
Defining FILELIST VARA Objects
A FILELIST VARA object definition is made up of the following pages:
- General Page
Here you define the object-specific settings. Some sections on this page are common to all VARA objects and are described for all of them in dedicated topics:
- Variable Settings
- Data Types and Formatting
- Script Access
- Client 0 VARA Objects in Other Clients
- Preview, see below
- Version Management Page
- Documentation Page
Variable Settings Section
Read-only, always Filelist for this type of VARA objects.
The OS Agent that is used to access the directory. Agent Groups are not allowed.
If you do not select anything, the Agent of the task that uses the VARA object is applied.
- A runtime error occurs if the VARA object is used in an object to which no Agent or Login has been assigned.
- File Transfer object as source: If you do not assign an Agent, the Agent of the file transfer target system is used.
You can include PromptSet variables here when using the Dynamic Reload (Combobox Prompts) feature for Combobox prompts. When you use PromptSet variables in a dynamic VARA object, the Preview feature returns an error. This is because the PromptSet variables do not exist in the dynamic VARA object. However, the PromptSet variables will be resolved when objects including the PromptSet are executed.
Apply Task Agent
Deploys the Agent of the task that uses the VARA object. If the task does not have an Agent (such as, for example, in Script objects), the Agent of the VARA object is used. If neither the VARA object nor the task has an Agent, an error occurs.
Login (LOGIN) object that allows the VARA object to access the Agent.
Apply Task Login
Deploys the login of the task that uses the VARA object.
If the task does not have a Login object assigned, (such as, or example, in Script objects), the Login assigned to the VARA object is used. If neither the VARA object nor the task has a Login object, an error occurs.
The directory from which the file names should be returned as a value list when the VARA object is accessed. For example, on a Windows computer it could be:
You can also limit the list to files with a particular name or suffix. To set such filters, use "*" (several characters) or "?" (exactly one character). For example:
Preview Section
To check the settings for fields (directory does not exist, host is not available, no read access to the path), click Preview. If there are no problems, the file list will be displayed.
See also: