General Requirements for Upgrading CDA

This topic provides information about minimum requirements for hardware and software for servers and clients used for Continuous Delivery Automation solutions.

Before You Start Installing/Upgrading, Check Compatibility and Prerequisites

You can obtain all system requirements and compatibility information from the Compatibility Matrix.

A Note on Hardware

The system requirements are broken down to the level of individual server and client machines. Within this section, each machine is described with its function and CA Automic components.

It is not necessary to have an individual machine for every purpose. Depending on your environment, combining two or more machines (physical, virtual, or both) is possible and useful.

The decision to install two or more components (for exampleAutomation Engine server software plus Automation Engine database) on a single hardware depends on.

Important! In case of a single hardware: Tip: Install the individual components (such as AE module, User interface, utilities, and particular Agents) in separate directories, to avoid conflicting library files.

ONE Installer

When you plan to use the ONE Installer, you must observe extra prerequisites for the ONE Installer - Single-Box Installation.