Deployment Targets

A Deployment Target is an endpoint where you deploy your Application Components. All endpoint-related parameters (for example: port numbers, IP addresses, and directories) are typically related to the Deployment Target and can be configured there. The execution itself is handled by the assigned operating system agent.

Note: The graphic below illustrates the role of Deployment Targets in the Deployment Model. Select the image to expand it.

Graphic depicting role of deployment targets in deployment model

What are Deployment Targets in CDA?

Deployment targets are the endpoints in the CDA Deployment Model where the Application Components are deployed.

Each deployment target is linked to a physical agent, although an agent can serve several Deployment Targets.

Deployment Targets can belong to any number of Environments; for example, a srv001 target can be used both in an integration test Environment and for unit tests of an Application.

You may also define a Handler which manages your Deployment Target. For example, a websphere application manager handles multiple websphere application servers. Handlers cannot be nested. One Deployment Target can only declare one single handler. A Deployment Target which handles other deployment targets cannot declare a handler.




Deployment Target (or Target)

Target that is used during deployment.


A target which manages one or more targets.


Zero or more targets that are managed by a handler.

See also: