Deployment Calendar

You can use the Deployment Calendar as a combined view in which you can view planned workflow executions and queue runs and workflow executions and queue runs which have been processed in the past for a selected environment.

The deployment calendar allows you to:

Important! Restrictions:

Systemwide calendars are configured by the administrator.

This page includes the following:

Viewing the Deployment Calendar

You can open the deployment calendar from the following two starting points:


Image displaying toolbar

Elements of the Toolbar:


Image displaying date picker

In the sidebar, you can quickly select a date and navigate through the calendar.


Below the month calendar, the entity-specific sidebar is shown. If no entity is selected, this area is empty.

Entity Visible Information about the Entity
Workflow executions For application workflows, you see the application name, workflow name, and package name
(for example, Billing System: Install 10.2.15457)
For general workflows, you see the workflow name.
Queue runs Queue name / Queue run name.
Environment reservations

Environment reservation name

Note: Display options, if multiple environments are selected:

  • A dedicated calendar is visible for each environment next to each other.
  • You can activate the Overlay function: the data of all selected environments is merged and shown in a single calendar.

User-defined calendars can be imported and displayed within the deployment calendar in two ways:

Working with the Deployment Calendar Settings

In the Deployment Calendar Settings you define which data you want to be displayed (Executions, Queue Runs, Environment Reservations) and for which Environments. Also, you can import other personal calendars.

Section Element Description
Data to display Workflow Executions When selected, all single workflow executions that are associated with the environment via the deployment profile, are shown in the calendar. Default: Selected.
Queue Runs When selected, all queue runs of the selected queues are shown in the calendar.
Additional queues

Only enabled if Queue Runs is selected. Opens the dialog to select the extra queues of which its runs should be shown.

Environment Reservations When selected, all environment reservations of the selected environments are shown.
Calendars Calendars Lists all extra calendars (systemwide and personal ones) in alphabetical order.

Opens the dialog to add an extra calendar.

  • Name

    Mandatory name of the calendar.

  • Upload file

    En-/Disables the upload of an iCalendar file.

  • File

    Allows the user to upload an iCalendar file. Only enabled it upload file is selected.

  • Fetch dynamically

    En-/Disables the URL of an iCalendar and its reloading interval.

  • URL

    Allows the user to specify a URL to retrieve an iCalendar from. Only enabled it Fetch dynamically is selected.

    When saving, the URL is automatically verified. If the file can be retrieved, it is downloaded and imported immediately. If the verification fails, the error message The iCalendar could not be retrieved. Please ensure that the URL you entered above is correct and retry. is shown.

  • Reload every

    If the checkbox is selected, the user has to enter a reload interval in hours (from 1 through 99). Default: 24h. Only enabled if fetch is set to dynamically.

Edit Opens the dialog to edit the selected calendar. Only enabled if a personal extra calendar is selected in the list.
Refresh Reloads the selected calendar.
Delete Deletes the selected calendar.
Show Environments Environments Lists all environments that the user has read permissions on in alphabetical order. Max. 5 environments can be selected together.

Exporting the Deployment Calendar

The export action in the toolbar generates a downloadable iCalendar-file named DeploymentCalendar.ics.

If multiple environments are selected, the exported iCalendar contains the information of all selected calendars in one single file.

The timespan for which to include the calendar information is defined in the configuration file. All other settings are taken over from the Deployment Calendar settings.