Downloading and Preparing the Installation Files

Here you find information on the installation package and other related files you must download and prepare to install your system.

To Download and Prepare the Installation Files

  1. Download the installation package from
  2. Download the following files (needed to correctly display reports):
    • Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime
    • Microsoft System CLR Types for SQLServer 2012 (x64)

    Download links:

    Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime:

    Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Feature Pack: ,

    Note: External links are subject to change at any time.

  3. (Windows) If necessary, remove the blocking flag (Zone.Identifier indicates a potentially unsafe content) from all executables (.exe files), as Windows prevents executing downloaded files from the internet to a NTFS file system.

    To remove this blocking flag, do one of the following:

    • Unzip the archive by not using Windows Explorer's build-in unzip function.

      If you use an alternative tool, the blocking flag is not propagated.

    • Remove the blocking flag e.g., by using the tool streams.exe (see Microsoft Sysinternals on
    • Copy the unpacked .exe files to a device having a FAT file system and then copy them back to the installation directory.

      You can use a regular USB flash drive, which is typically FAT pre-formatted.

  4. Copy the installation files to the target system.

Important! In Windows 10, the individual setup.exe programs only work in compatibility mode.

Next step:

Preparing the AE Database